General Coding > JavaScript : Javascript Scrollbar I'm making a website that appears in a pop-up from a splash page, and need to Method 2. Even though many of us are still reluctant to start using CSS3 due to the lack of support in some browsers, there are those out there that are moving forward and doing some amazing stuff with its cool new features. It parses your CSS and adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use. Menu with mouse-over effect generator. The clip-path property allows you to make complex shapes in CSS by clipping an element to a basic shape (circle, ellipse, polygon, or inset), or to an SVG source.. CSS Animations and transitions are possible with two or more clip-path shapes with the same number of points. Assigned to: Skinablity since this is … Check out the following handpicked interesting links...and dont forget to add this page to your favourite list Since then it has struck the audiences with its perfect cross browser performance and wide variety of drop-down menu transformations and themes. It works in user-style, and it seems not to work in web pages. I have not found official direction from Mozilla on this. While it may have worked a... Using CSS gradients with the scrollbar provides an excellent opportunity to class up the scrollbar -- just take a look at how CodePen uses them within their scrollbars. Author. hide scrollbar css . It will set the thickness of the scrollbar. scrollbar-width: thin !important;... So if you are developing your site for multi browsers then it may not be a good idea to use CSS filters because it is not compatible to Chome, Firefox, Safari, Opera or any other major browser out there. mozilla-firefox-89.0-x86_64-1 no longer applying scrollbar width from 'gtk.css' I just updated my installation of -current (also using kernel 5.12.8 from testing but I don't think that's relevant here) which updated my Firefox from 88 -> 89. In this example we have chosen to use a thin scrollbar, with a green track and purple thumb. This method uses CSS to style your scrollbar, which is faster than using jQuery. Yes, now, with last browser version, old prefixes ( -o, -moz, -webkit ) are deleted, just use "border-radius" for all new browser ( ie, opera, chrome and firefox) it's a W3C spec but, for "old" browser, continue to use old profixes, existing one specific website for generate css border radius code just here. We need to set the CSS overflow property to "hidden" so as to hide the scrollbar. By default, the