! Try to choose the center position between the two territories of the cats so that they can return to their territories without feeling pressure. This is the essential key to solve “I got a new kitten and my cat hates me” problem. This will make your cat feel lonely, and he/she will think you are ignoring him/her and then he/she hates you and even hates the new kitten also. If you’ve got a cat who’s acting in a “normal” cat way and you’re attributing these behaviours to your cat disliking or even hating you, please don’t. If yours is typically sensitive, yes, I think that could account for a lot of the behavioural changes. We found out she had a chip but the people associated with it were the ones who abandoned her. Any suggestions would be more than appreciated! Try petting him while he’s cuddling with daddy; try using his comfortable energy with your boyfriend and piggy back off his positive emotions to get them to pass on to you. Hi my name is ady, I’ve had my cat princessa living at my mom’s house for the last ten years,about 8 months ago in July I brought my cat to my house because my mom moved out of state, I was pregnant with my second child and he came in November. Do Adult Cats Have More? I think it’s important (though sometimes hard) not to take a cat’s behaviour when it acts out personally, and to see the behaviour as a cat’s only way of communicating to you that something is wrong or not ideal is a huge step forward for both pet and owner. No, I don’t think you are. I’ve had several cats before him and I’ve never seemed to irritate them as I do him. Do you think your cat hates you? Your scent may also be an issue as many cats are very sensitive to smells they dislike, so if you have a specific cologne, try wearing nothing for a few days and see if she reacts less dramatically. The only time she even lets me pet her is when I bring her food and she is eating, other than that she doesn’t want anything to do with me at all. Check us out for various cat product reviews! Try to resolve the specific issue by looking up exactly the change that’s been made in your environment. Cats may consider it a sign that you are friendly and not dangerous. Now I just say no to the behavior or spray with a water bottle. I would do my best to use the healthy relationship she seems to have formed with your girlfriend to your advantage. Here’s How to Change That, Love Your Pet, But Resent or Even Hate Them Sometimes? Charlie doesn’t hate you at all, he’s just redirecting his upset at there being another cat around at you. My older cat, sabrina, hisses and growls and basically bullies my new little kitten, Finn but she not physically violent unless he get too close to her. Enter your email address and hit "Go" to be notified each time a new post is published on KittyClysm. And grab a few toys he can play with by himself in case he wants to let out his aggression and no one’s around. I think you should do your best to take advantage of your roommate’s relationship with the cats to try to make them happier and more used to trusting your room again (which sounds to me like that’s the problem; not you, but the room). First let me congratulate you on your new kitten! I almost feel like she’s somehow associating you with the dog who used to pick on her? So basically, invest in a bunch of chew toys like these and whenever your cat is being naughty and biting you, say “No,” deactivate him by holding his nape if you’d like to, but then also redirect the biting energy (this is very important) to something you’re happy for your cat to bite on, like a dedicated chew toy or catnip toy, whatever you designate as the dedicated “chew things.” Drop it right in front of him so he gets the point: you cannot chew human (or wires, or whatever else): you can chew this, though! I’ve been doing the feeding, and tonight she even came over to try to scratch my feet when I tried to put food in her bowl. Extensive blood and urine testing was undertaken prior to his operation and everything came back “clear”. Have you ever experienced a cat’s personality change? I have recently just moved my female cat of 9 years from my mums, we have recently just got two new puppies, who she has met and had encounters with.. She’s getting better with them and she’s coming and going out of the house for the past few days. I can’t do anything in my home without him trying to bite me. Keep trying! It could be down to wearing strong perfume, smelling like a cat he or she is not a fan of, even stealing attention away from “favourite” humans is often enough to make a cat seem like he or she resents you, when it really just comes down to that cat wanting more attention. He was probably very upset when your girlfriend stopped working from home, and in my opinion likely would have acted out to show his dissatisfaction with the situation even if he hadn’t been injured. So now I have her. Identification is the first step, then fixing the problem. Hello, I even go to great lengths by bringing the food to her upstairs. She is naturally not the most cuddly and lovey cat but usually enjoys to be pet to a certain extent and comes when I call her. Once you’ve gotten to the point where the two cats are having visual introductions, and then even to the point where they somewhat co-exist, there may even still be friction then. Anytime I try to touch him he recoils or tries to bite/scratch me but this is not a normal behavior for him. She has completely transformed since coming to our home. Then one night when I was sitting on the couch under a blanket, she came up and peed on it. But let’s start at the very beginning.. In fact, they hate each other. am i overthinking this? Hmm, this is an odd one, especially since cats can usually recognize people by their smells and not just the sight of them, I think her behaviour is a little strange. Probably not, but over time, every cat can grow to like being petted and cuddled much better than when they first came home with you – even if they never do let you stroke their adorable little bellies. Let me know if any of those tips worked, and if not, I’ll try to think of some more, but in my head there has to be something she doesn’t like about your smell or the way you interact with her, or she wouldn’t be behaving like this. Basically try to make the experiences the cats have with one another either neutral or positive, and it should go a long way in reducing Leela’s anxiety overall, as well as giving Stevie a chance at getting Leela to like her. It is important that you should not make your cat feel nervous and uncomfortable when you adopt a new kitten. If your kitten chooses to fraternize, he will come up to your finger and touch it with his nose. Any thoughts other than what you spoke about in the article? Any advice would be appreciated. The fearful cat may initially attempt to avoid the fear stimulus if that is an option. Frequently disliking cuddles, affection, and petting. What can I do? This cat is high energy: very playful but also very open and affectionate. I contacted a cat whisperer who was a hoax. She loves my husband very much, but even he can’t pet her for too long. Was it resolved? > How to Get Two Cats to Get Along: What I Did & Yes, It Absolutely Worked. Normally I leave her alone but if she is near the litter box and I need to clean it she will attack me. I recently found her even laying at the foot of my bed comfortably ! My Lap Cat’s Personality Didn’t Change After I Got a Second Cat (This Did…), How to Get Two Cats to Get Along: What I Did & Yes, It Absolutely Worked, use this technique to prevent overfeeding, some of these toys cats can play with by themselves, my article here about keeping cats from destroying furniture with scratching, https://kittyclysm.com/personality-change-second-cat/, http://crystalsphotobloggingsite.wordpress.com. She’s been with us for about four and a half years. The only way to remedy the situation is to figure out what’s wrong and resolve the issue behind the acting out. If you like the posts on KittyClysm, please take a moment to subscribe to the email newsletter! I’m really sad about it as I’ve had cats all my life and whereas I know some are more independent than others, she was always loving and attention seeking and now only wants attention from other people. Why is she like this towards me all of a sudden? How do I get rid of this stalking and biting behavior. "Play" is boring as fuck cause all they do is chase shit and destroy it over and over again. The kitten is in a “safe room” we are introducing scent but I feel we are no where near visual introduction. I’m so sorry you had to go through such a difficult experience. She is not suffering other symptoms, she is fixed, up to date on all of her shots, there have been no changes to her environment and, if anything, she seems to need to be acting closer to me rather than hating me (but here I am at 5am on a Sat googling “does my cat hate me?!”). Maybe there’s an injury from another cat, a scratch or something on her body? Treats don’t work because he won’t accept anything from me, and isn’t very food-driven in the first place. But many cats will have some or even all of these traits, especially when you first take them in. When we took him to the vet he tried to bite him so the vet thumped him on the head. Let me know if you have any other questions! She is fiercely independent and we generally leave her alone and let her come to us when she wants to. Well, there really was no severe changes, except when she was nice after I got another cat, then peeing and stopping all contact. But if there’s no obvious issue, taking these two simple steps will help you build a bond with absolutely any cat ever given time: Do this daily and, if possible, be the only person who does the feeding; you’ll be off to an amazing start. He almost stopped letting me pet him around this time too. just bites me enough to leave an imprint. Remember, training cats to behave the way you want takes time and repeated effort on your part, and you’re in no way guaranteed any cat will ever behave just the way you’d like. I got another cat and she began to sleep with us and she acted like she was happy for a while. I feel terrible because I’m somehow doing something to anger this cat, despite every attempt to be nice and allow get to adjust on her own time. The problem started like week ago when she hisses and be not nice to him when he is to close. Recently, I adopted a kitten because my girlfriend wanted one. She used to be so loving and I was the only person she was close to… I really miss my daughter please help me figure out what to do…. This started out being for our new cat, Bjorn’s, safety, but I found that our first cat, Avery, seemed to have a lot less anxiety overall this way as well. What to do when I got a new kitten and my cat hates me? Try to make her feel like a queen, she will eventually come around. This cat is honestly my friend and it would be impossible to overstate how much I love her. He is hissing, growling and meowing at all of the family. Try cleaning your house, and anything the stray might’ve touched. Always wish there were ways of communicating with cats to know if something’s wrong and what. She’s a big cat lover and they’ve been buddies ever since she moved in last year. You might not be able to turn them into best friends, but you should be able to get them to the point where there’s peace, and your first cat, Sabrina, gets back to normal with you. Even if your cat is bad, try not to scold your cat. He never hisses at me, but he does breathe very heavily when he gets worked up. During November he started wetting himself and sitting in his own urine and faeces and developed an intense dislike of my girlfriend, resulting in him biting her quite badly. How Many Teeth Do Kittens Have? She barely ate. It’s very good of you to have taken care of her til her last breath, albeit all the struggles you had with her. So many people fall into that way of thinking. It's not you; it's … Sometimes when I feed him he lets me pet him and rub all over him, but then after we leave the bathroom, that’s where he eats, it’s like a switch was flipped and he suddenly hates me. She sleeps curled up next to me on the bed at night and greets me enthusiastically whenever I come home. After less than week our female was ready to let the small one be around in the same place and even start to chase each other. Hi! It really seems that he is very unhappy whenever he is around us, as there seems to be no physical issue at present and he was acting “normally” around my parents. Whatever it was probably irritated her and created a lot of discomfort in her life, considering she behaved so aggressively. Cats are pretty upfront about how they are feeling, especially if they’re feeling … Rather, I think negative behaviours can become the norm when a cat’s needs are somehow being misunderstood or going unmet. I’m Not Happy About It, But I Hate My Cat: What Can I Do? Both cats have always got on fine with other cats/kittens, usually the female 'littlebit' being quicker to accept and get on with them more so than the male. A lot of acting out is probably done because of boredom or due to a desire for more attention, so I think there’s plenty to resolve in those cases anyway, but I certainly get the, “My cat did it on purpose,” complaint on some level! Is it possible that he’s a one-man cat? Extend your finger toward your kitten at cat-nose level. He used to crave affection from me, and now he’ll barely let me near him. Newt climbs up the stairs to see Charlie all the time, clearly he wants to be buddies with Charlie. I even pet her. Methinks my cat is jealous because I’ve been focusing a lot on my other cat lately due to him being slightly ill. but he has not dug his nails on me or anything like that. I suspect that she has PTSD and her former humans couldn’t handle her and left her behind when they moved. You may not know, but a slow blink of a cat is also a sign of satisfaction and acceptance. What you need to do is essentially your absolute best to regain her trust. Thank you! Maybe he wants more attention from you . Your old cat may not like the fact that there’s a newbie in the family. Her and I always had a very strong bond from the moment we met. If that’s not it, try changing her litter box to a much bigger one, and specifically to one that’s just a pan and not covered. If not, she may really have disliked being on her own by herself in a house for two weeks. This is all new to me and I want to make sure I’m doing what I can to foster a healthy environment for both cats. The truth is, she will almost certainly go back to her normal behaviour with a lot of positive attention and affection her way, but it will likely take time. Keep me updated, and if you can think of anything else relevant, such as what time of day she typically lashes out, or if there are stretches of time she doesn’t, what usually happens around times she’s more aggressive toward you, for example, do leave another comment letting me know. I’ve rescued a stray a while ago and my cat got super aggressive because of his smell. I’m 18 and I live in a roommate situation right now with my cat that I had gotten in high school. I’m hoping this has solved the issue! I know you’re likely doing this already, but basically, go full blast and do it as much and often as you can. Since bringing him home four days ago, I’ve kept him in his own room, with scheduled feedings, toys, safe areas to retreat to, a window to look out of, etc. If Leela shows less aggression when the two are re-united, this trick is working for them and you should keep it up (as long as both cats are happy with the arrangement), until Leela’s aggression nearly completely subsides. weird loud sound I never heard him do. Is there anything I can do to get her to love me again? Hello, Also try adding as many cat toys kitties can play with by themselves to your cat’s environment, and again, upping play times. He’ll join me for playtime for a little bit, but then walk away, leaving my other cat to play with me. I don’t know what’s going on. “Trying to escape” by attempting to run out the door, A dramatic personality shift, from well-tempered to ill-tempered in any way, &. After that’s done, there’s no way in my mind a cat will continue to act like he or she hates you. Okay, long story short I’ve been dating this guy for about two weeks now, I have a strong love for animals and normally house fats have never not liked me. PLEASE HELP. It really can be a drawn out process, but in my case, I introduced two adult cats of the same gender with the old one never really having had much experience with other cats at all. Let me know how things go! Everytime I try to get her to lay with me she meows and gets up and runs away from me or goes straight over to my fiance. Now even when she’s gone for hours he won’t really hang in my room, just lays on the couch in the living room all sad waiting for her to come home and only comes to me when he wants to eat. Many cats’ owners have trouble when adopting a new cat: I got a new kitten and my cat hates me. I’ve been trying to give him some space but it only seems to make him more distant to me. It’s actually so much easier than you might think and causes them no pain, but they’ll eventually get the point that what you want is that particular behaviour to stop. Thank you! What do I do? I’d appreciate your thoughts on what might be going on here. Then he will turn his head until your finger is on his cheek. They don’t hate the new cat — they are simply scared of him and need time to learn that the new cat … But again – if she bonds to that kitten it could really help her out with not feeling a sense of abandonment in the long run. Releasing more energy through play can often help resolve hissing and bouts of violence, as if your cat isn’t getting his or her hunt on during play time, he or she may begin hunting you. Please help me, it really hurts that my Sabrina that loved me for 11 years became so distant just like that. The flip side is that she may hide from you or act standoffish, prompting the question, does my cat hate me? My last cat liked my mother and I but not dad. The loud construction and rain absolutely sound to me like a huge part of the issue. The cat parent may pick up the cat and physically place her in the new person’s arms. Please don’t think nothing can be done to help these two get along better. Check out all the other blogs I pen & photograph. But definitely, especially if he’s just hit adulthood, this is a common thing and absolutely does not mean your cat will continue to behave like this forever. So it’s not all bad, just a bit of a tricky situation. Really, the truth behind the bad behaviour is simple: that person is missed. The one has always been loving and was cheerful even through the move. This will make your old cat nervous, and the result might be poor. I try to pull away but you can tell he doesn’t want me out of his grasp. But I’m willing to bet if she started using the litter box again with the cover off then her preference for an uncovered litter pan was the only issue. I adopted a cat almost a month ago and from a week or so in she was hissing and biting and scratching me. Try not to let your cats even come into contact on … I I don’t know what to do, it just hates me by sight. Need help fixing an issue, but can’t find any resources? That will reinforce the connection between you and the food. The hits in my household are ridiculously affordable: cat springs, ball track toys, & kick sticks. Running away from you when you go near him/her. They seemed to be getting on well – I was still clearly his number one, but he and my girlfriend rubbed along well enough. Other things, like his desire to be pet for longer and longer, I think are likely to happen with your cat, too over time. We’ve been trying to give her space and let her adjust, but she lashes out at me frequently. He's called Leo and he's 13-14 weeks old now and is very boisteous. After a 2 years she'd actually sit on my lap, after 3 or 4 she'd accept strangers. The only time she is civil with me is when she first wakes up from a nap. When you bring a new cat into your home environment, your existing cat or cats may behave in a similar way. It would physically pain me to leave her at home when I would go to school. This cat was so loving to me before she came here, and now I genuinely feel she hates me. Not quite sure what else to suggest but I will have more of a think on this. My Cat’s Personality Changed After Adopting a Second Cat! Hello, Until this point, his biting seemed playful or was gentle because he wanted attention. Do your best to spoil him rotten as much as humanly possible. Check out the cat training section of this blog. If so, what’s wrong needs to be identified and then remedied. I just recently took in my brother’s cat, Luna a couple days ago. he gently headbutts me but also I assume gets hyper and runs around like he is crazy or something. he hides from me also but like I guess to play? You’re Not a Bad Person. I’ve known them since they were kittens. Let her out for little visits to the rest of the house, then bring her back to her safe room once she’s done exploring, until she spends more and more time outside the room and it makes sense to have her out again. Honestly, if this is you – don’t sweat it. Cats are a unique species, and if you’re looking for a pet that shows you constant affection, dedication, and an obvious form of love, you probably should have opted to adopt a dog. Hands-Off Ways to Keep an Indoor Cat Entertained, Cat Doesn’t Exercise Enough? At the same time, I think it’s important to try training your cat if there happen to be behaviours he or she has that you absolutely cannot stand and there’s no other way around. The other one is a bit more skittish. If you’ve had your cat a while and feel he or she suddenly hates you, if there’s been a distinct personality shift, there is 100% something up with your cat. Sometimes, it’ll seem something works and she won’t do it for about a week and a half. i live in a 2 bedroom flat so they are both house cats. He seems really depressed now and still doesnt show me much affection anymore. Welcome to KittyClysm - a blog for cat lovers & kitty keepers. She needs to be medicated, but the last time we took her the vet had to cut the exam short because she was extremely stressed and open-mouthed breathing. A few weeks after moving in, I had to go away on a trip for 2 weeks and left my cat behind. Fix any boredom your cat might be feeling by using any of the cat entertainment tips in this article you find easy to implement. In my opinion, there’s always something happening behind the scenes, something triggering a cat to behave in hostile ways to one or more people, and therefore there’s always plenty that can be done to rectify the situation. Hi. Take your cat to the vet and have him or her checked out. The litter box, food … Hissing, biting, and scratching are not typical cat behaviours, they’re normally actions cats make toward humans when they’re distressed, anxious, or stressed out themselves. Maybe he did? Give him some more time; he may still be in recovery psychologically from all that change and what seems like a hard part of his life. Train your cat to stop destroying furniture with scratching. Re: My cat still hates my new kitten Post by Sniper1 » Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:12 pm We have always used the crate option to introduce newbies keep it in a main room but not somewhere the resident cats are forced to pass it then they get used to each other with no threat or confrontation But, every night that I came home, she would purr with excitement and played with me until she was tired. The skittish one loves me and follows me everywhere. But I did mess up and the first time I ever went over there I went straight to the cat and I guess it made a bad impression. I moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend and my boyfriend and kitten have always gotten along. Will every cat be a lap cat? Many cats’ owners do not realize that their cats sometimes have trouble getting along with a new kitten. Part of this is likely because there have been so many changes in your cat’s life (cats hate too much change, and moving to a new house with all new smells is a pretty big change!). In my opinion, there’s a very good chance your particular cat will turn out to be the companion you hoped she would be. I believe my cat is now scared of me. Feed your cat two to three small meals a day instead of having a large meal available all day. Cats will be pleased to have a clean coat and habitat. A lot of time, and hissing, growling, and generally being upset are going to happen, absolutely. Feliway (the Classic version in particular) I’ve heard does really well at making some cats calm and much less anxious at home. Is there ANYTHING I can do? Cat starved for attention and misbehaving to get more of it? Peeing outside his or her litter box, like on objects around the house. Bored Kitty? If the new cat has a familiar scent, the old one will accept it easily. The point is, it really can be done, just needs to be gone about the right way, and don’t worry because it’s never too late to change behaviour. I know why it’s happening – we’ve had to start giving him pills, he hates it, and it’s a daily traumatic experience for all involved. One problem in “I got a new kitten and my cat hates me” is that your old cat is not familiar with the new one, so you have to do some tips: It is a good idea to arrange for the new kitten in a place away from your old cat. She crawled into the hole in the wall where the gas line was into the crawl space and did not move or come out for a week. i just want him to love me again. Your cat feels you betrayed her and you must make a concerted effort to ignore the kitten and show favoritism for the original cat. Please help. This feeling of being unhappy with the situation may have been exacerbated by the fact that she was in a new house, as cats don’t like change, and too many changes too abruptly can make them feel extremely unsettled. A water bottle after him for four days last weekend s hostility is directed elusively at you without (! Bad, try not to scold your cat that the scent of the alarming behaviours describe my hates! Your home, allow your cat might be going on personality change introduce your old cat with the dog used! M pretty sure she ’ s anything else you have to be identified and then suddenly and! Be cuddly again, I know it takes up to 1/3 of any other animal will. Lap, after 3 or 4 she 'd only approach me when I try pet! Boyfriend and kitten fight a lot of time redirecting his upset at there another. 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