[43], There are several large American Elm trees in western Massachusetts. I have several good sized (60′) American Elms in my yard ready to cut, been dying and dead past 3 years… Thinking about having them Quartered and cut into wide planks. No subspecies or varieties are currently recognized within the species. In direct ground contact, it will inevitably rot, especially endgrain slices. American elm, Old Deerfield, Massachusetts (2011). American Elm is wholly insensitive to daylight length (photoperiod), and will continue to grow well into autumn until injured by frost. A part of New York City's urban ecology, the elms improve air and water quality, reduce erosion and flooding, and decrease air temperatures during warm days. It has been estimated that only approximately 1 in 100,000 American elm trees is DED-tolerant, most known survivors simply having escaped exposure to the disease. Toughest wood I ever encountered. Girth 13 ft at 4.5 ft above ground; Height 70 ft; Spread 75 ft. American elm in front of the Florence K. Murray Courthouse in Newport, Rhode Island (August 2015). The oldest of these elms were planted during the 1860s by Frederick Law Olmsted, making them among the oldest stands of American elms in the world. It held up just fine. Select. For over 80 years, U. americana had been identified as a tetraploid, i.e. A prime example of the species was the Sauble Elm,[3] which grew beside the banks of the Sauble River in Ontario, Canada, to a height of 43 m (140 ft), with a d.b.h of 196 cm (6.43 ft) before succumbing to DED; when it was felled in 1968, a tree-ring count established that it had germinated in 1701. Someday I hope to add Chinese and Siberian elm to the site, and also update the page on elm identification. Rutgers University has preserved 55 mature elms on and in the vicinity of Voorhees Mall on the College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick, New Jersey in addition to seven disease-resistant trees that have been planted in this area of the campus in recent years.[44]. American Elm is especially susceptible to Dutch elm disease, and was ravaged by the fungal disease in the second half of the twentieth century. This however led to extreme overplanting of the species, especially to form living archways over streets, which ultimately produced an unhealthy monoculture of elms that had no resistance to disease and pests. [53], George Washington's Elm, Washington, D.C. George Washington supposedly had a favorite spot under an elm tree near the United States Capitol Building from which he would watch construction of the building. The American elm is an extremely hardy tree that can withstand winter temperatures as low as −42 °C (−44 °F). Elm wood is used for keels and bilge planks, the blocks and dead eyes of rigging and ship's pumps, for coffins, wheels, furniture, turned articles and general carpenter's work. It is this distinctive growth form that is so valued in the open-grown American elms of street plantings, lawns, and parks; along most narrower streets, elms planted on opposite sides arch and blend together into a leafy canopy over the pavement. Ulmus americana, generally known as the American elm or, less commonly, as the white elm or water elm, is a species of elm native to eastern North America, naturally occurring from Nova Scotia west to Alberta and Montana, and south to Florida and central Texas. American elm tree in a park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts (August 2020). It was also used for the rockers on rocking chairs. It usually grows from 60 to 80 feet tall with a crown two-thirds as great. In what is now Penn Treaty Park, the founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn, is said to have entered into a treaty of peace in 1683 with the native Lenape Turtle Clan under a picturesque elm tree immortalized in a painting by Benjamin West. The wood of American Elm is very hard and was a valuable timber tree used for lumber, furniture, and veneer. Dutch elm disease, which is caused by the fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi through its transmission by the elm bark beetle, has changed that. In the 19th and early 20th century, American elm was a common street and park tree owing to its tolerance of urban conditions, rapid growth, and graceful form. Introductions across the Atlantic rarely prospered, even before the outbreak of DED. street tree, American elm suffered a dramatic decline with the introduction of Dutch elm disease, a fungus spread by a bark beetle. A later test performed in 2002–2003 confirmed the disease resistance of these same three varieties, and that of 'Jefferson'. Early photos of New England American elms, showing growth patterns, The New International Encyclopædia (1905). Special Uses American elm tree in Springfield, Massachusetts, which survived the tornado that touched down in this part of the city in 2011 (June 2020). American Entomologist, 51:84-94, 'The Big Elm', Island Narratives Program, University of Prince Edward Island, vre2.upei.ca.
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