Candidate SVPs were mapped and surveyed in the field by Maine Department of Environmental Protection staff, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife biologists, and consultants. In general, a vernal pool habitat is significant if it has a high habitat value, either because (1) a state-listed threatened or endangered species, such as a spotted turtle, or a rare species, such as a ribbon snake, uses it to complete a critical part of its life history, or (2) there is a notable abundance of specific wildlife, such as blue spotted salamander, wood frog, or fairy shrimp. A website all about VERNAL POOLS for the people of the glaciated Northeast and Midwest providing resources on: ecology, identification, regulation, and strategies for conservation developed from evidence- based science. Starting September 1, 2007, significant vernal pool habitat is protected by law under the Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA). 17 State House Station September 2016; NG_Roads contains updated road centerline and road name data for Maine at 1:24,000 scale.NG_ROADS digital roads were developed, and are maintained, to serve the Next Generation 911 project in Maine. Optimal times for counting egg masses of pool-breeding amphibians vary according to geographic location and weather. For help using Google Earth go to their Help Center.. ArcGIS Online works best with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,and Safari Browsers.ArcGIS applications are available for iOS and Android devices. The vernal pools serve as essential breeding habitat for certain species of wildlife, including salamanders and frogs (amphibians). The specific criteria describing a significant vernal pool are listed in DEP Rules, Chapter 335, and allow these resources to be identified in the field. fact sheet: Vernal Pools - A Significant Wildlife Habitat. Home → Land Resources → Vernal pools or "spring pools" are shallow depressions that usually contain water for only part of the year. As of September 1, 2007, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection began to regulate disturbances around significant vernal pools under the Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA). Related page: Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) Page, including licensing materials and contacts. Maintain native understory vegetation and downed woody debris. Vernal Pools on Zoom April 28, 2020 FOSI News Rolf Olsen On Monday May 4 th , 6:30 pm the Belfast Free Library in collaboration with Friends of Sears Island will host a virtual presentation about vernal pools with Dr. Amanda Cross from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. "Significant vernal pool habitat" includes the vernal pool itself and the area within a 250 foot radius of the spring or fall high water mark of the pool, which is considered critical terrestrial habitat. The Southern Maine region is approximately that part of the state south of the line extending from Fryeburg to Augusta to Belfast. Some of the places I plan to check out are on public lands which are only open dawn to dusk, so I … New Hampshire's landscape has many types of water features – from the ocean and large lakes to the smallest wetlands and temporary ponds. Augusta, Maine 04333-0017 Vernal pools are those wetlands and temporary ponds that typically have ponded water only part of the year. Ponds and lakes do have many of the best parts of a vernal pool (water, food, twigs to attach their eggs to) but they also have something that vernal pool do not:FISH. Home → Land Resources → They occur in a variety of landscape settings including NRPA Vernal Pools To view NRPA datasets, use the Beginning with Habitat Map Viewers To learn more about the habitat map viewers, please follow this link: Inroduction to Beginning with Habitat Maps Please contact Maine IF&W with any questions regarding NRPA Habitat layers and map viewers. Egg masses must be counted just past the peak breeding period of pool-breeding amphibians. 1979); unvegetated pools (PUB, POW), marshes and wet meadows (PEM), shrub swamps (PSS), and forested wetlands (PFO) may all provide potential breeding habitat for vernal pool indicator species. A hard copy of the field data form used to map and designate each vernal pool is archived at Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. For example, vernal pools may be described by wetland ecologists as marshes, shrub swamps, or forested wetlands. Based on research at the University of Maine, the Vernal Pools 4-H Science Toolkit includes activities that take youth from learning about biodiversity, to recognizing what a vernal pool is and how scientists determine if a pool is significant. This document was created at the University of Maine in consultation with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Maine Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Vernal Pools are discrete seasonal wetlands that provide critical habitat for species adapted to ephemeral water regimes and are ecologically linked to surrounding terrestrial environments. Institution: University of Maine Sponsor: Maine Water Resources Research Institute through the Mitchell Center The Vernal Pools for Me project highlights and enhances the connection between stakeholders and their vernal pools by encouraging understanding of these special, small water resources through a portfolio of outreach materials. Augusta, Maine 04333-0017 Tel: 207-287-7688 Avoiding impacts to significant vernal pools and their surrounding habitat is important because many amphibian species are pool specific: they must return to the pond in which they were born to breed. . Vernal pools may be classified as a variety of wetland classes (after Cowardin et al. In 2007, Maine launched a statewide effort at the community level to survey and map significant vernal pools to encourage better development planning and improved conservation efforts. The best way to submit your certification information is through the Vernal Pool & Rare Species (VPRS) Information System . In Maine, species that must have access to vernal pools in order to survive and reproduce include wood frogs, spotted and blue-spotted salamanders (two types of mole salamanders) and fairy shrimp. Completeness Report This data set contains all vernal pools currently designed as "significant" or "potentially significant" under Maine… VERNAL POOL LOCATION INFORMATION a. Maine Vernal Pool Indicator Species Wood Frog Wood Frog Egg Mass Surface of mass is lumpy in appearance and lacks outer coating of jelly ... the sunny shallows of a pool Up to an inch in length, and often orange to tan in color, these animals may blend in with leaf litter on the bottom of pools Maintain or restore forest corridors connecting wetlands and significant vernal pools. Township: Brief site directions to the pool (using mapped landmarks): c. Landowner Contact Information b. Mapping Requirements: At least 2 of the 3 must be submitted (check those submitted): USGS Topographic Map with pool clearly marked. Individual vernal pools are typically small (0.5 acre), are surrounded by upland forest with trees that overhang the pool, providing a continuous leaf litter substrate, and are generally sparsely vegetated and fishless. Using these criteria. Vernal pool significance must be determined and documented by an individual who has experience and training in either wetland ecology or wildlife ecology and therefore has qualifications sufficient to identify and document a significant vernal pool. 28 Tyson Drive You will find a variety of resources on vernal pool ecology, the animals that breed in and use vernal pools, an explanation of state and federal regulations pertaining to vernal pools, and materials developed to assist you with field assessments and local mapping projects. Not all vernal pool habitats are considered "significant". Please include the following information: Location (town name or region) Date of sighting Species In Maine, species that must have access to vernal pools in order to survive and reproduce include wood frogs, spotted and blue-spotted salamanders (two types of mole salamanders) and fairy shrimp. They are often associated with forested wetlands. Dover-Foxcroft to Howland to Calais. Abundance. A pool that has documented use in any given year by state-listed rare, endangered or threatened species that commonly require a vernal pool to complete a critical portion of their life-history is a significant vernal pool. Best practices from the Maine Vernal Pools Mapping Project are now available to all towns through The Maine Municipal Guide to Mapping and Conserving Vernal Pool Resources, co-written by SSI research associate Dawn Morgan and Aram Calhoun and published this spring. Tel: 207-287-7688 Starting September 1, 2007, significant vernal pool habitat is protected by law under the Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA). Evansia31 (1) 31 Lichens of six vernal pools in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA Jason Barton, Brett Ciccotelli, Jillian E. Gall, Fred C. Olday College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609 Cumberland Vernal Pool Project; Letter to Cumberland Landowners (Updated 3/1/2010) Preparing for Field Season and Assessments; Seasonal Images of Vernal Pools; Spring 2010 Mapping & Presentation Schedule; Vernal Pool Map East of Main St. Vernal Pool Map West of Main St. Vernal Pool Regulation in Maine: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions . 17 State House Station For more information on identification, see. Without vernal pools, we would have forests full of old leaves and many animals would not find food to eat. – If you can’t safely access vernal pools at night, go out early in the morning. Maine Forest Service DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 22 State House Station Augusta, ME04333-0022 (207) 287-2791 The Central Maine region is approximately that part of the state south of that same line and north of a line extending from Fryeburg to Augusta to Belfast. Fax: 207-287-7826, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, A person who has experience and training in either wetland ecology or wildlife ecology may identify and document a significant vernal pool; or. If the Permit by Rule standards cannot be met, the applicant may apply for an individual NRPA permit. The NHESP's Guidelines for the Certification of Vernal Pool Habitat d escribes the criteria for certification and how citizens can provide the necessary documentation for certification.. You may still see evidence of breeding activity or find animals hanging out at the edges of the pool. An activity in, on, or over these areas must avoid unreasonable impacts on the significant vernal pool habitat and obtain approval from the DEP, through a Permit by Rule or individual NRPA approval. In the article, published this week online at, […] Maintain a minimum of 75% of the critical terrestrial habitat as unfragmented forest with at least a partly-closed canopy of overstory trees to provide shade, deep litter and woody debris. Reports of critters moving to pools are starting to trickle in from southern New England. A new article in the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences (PNAS) documents nearly 15 years of crucial, dynamic vernal pools research and management by UMaine’s Aram Calhoun who is leading an interdisciplinary team at the Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI), a program of the Mitchell Center. Abundance of pool-breeding amphibians can only be used to determine the presence of a significant vernal pool during the identification period. Defined by the animals that breed in them, vernal pools in Maine occur in a number of wetland settings. Vernal pools, also known as ephemeral pools, autumnal pools, and temporary woodland ponds, typically fill with water in the autumn or winter due to rainfall and rising groundwater and remain ponded through the spring and into summer. Not only do vernal pools offer essential habitat for many species, they also play a role in erosion control and water quality. GIS Maps and Other Data Files. Vernal pools help keep Maine’s forests healthy. Juvenile and adult amphibians associated with vernal pools provide an important food source for small carnivores as well as large game species. The presence of fairy shrimp or a state-listed endangered or threatened species may be used to determine the presence of a significant vernal pool at times of the year other than the identification period. 2. No disturbance within the vernal pool depression. To use the data in Google Earth format, it is recommended that you have Google Earth Pro installed. The DEP may provide a written determination concerning whether or not a vernal pool habitat is significant. Abstract: This dataset represents CANDIDATE Significant Vernal Pools (SVPs). The standards do not create a mandatory setback or no-build zone, but do affect what can be done, so it is advisable to plan ahead. Because the pool is temporary, they provide critical habitat for certain wildlife to breed and complete their life cycle. Development within 250 ft of a Significant Vernal Pool now requires a DEP permit. Location. Vernal Pools for Me. Examples of vernal pool dependent state-listed endangered or threatened species include, but are not limited to, Blanding's turtles, Spotted turtles, and Bog haunter dragonflies. In Maine, vernal pools with high value for wildlife are called significant vernal pools . Vernal pools or "spring pools" are shallow depressions that usually contain water for only part of the year. Vernal Pool in Wallagrass, Maine (This vernal pool was flagged and protected during a logging operation). "Developed area" includes disturbed areas, excluding areas that are returned to a condition with the same drainage patterns and the same or improved cover type that existed prior to the disturbance. To report vernal pool species sights and sounds please comment below and include at least the date and town. The Northern Maine region is approximately that part of the state north of a line extending from Rangeley to in Maine. This dataset depicts 250-foot habitat zones surrounding the perimeters of Significant Vernal Pools (SVPs) or Potentially Significant Vernal Pools (PSVPs). The Central Maine region is approximately that part of the state south of that same line and north of a line extending from Fryeburg to Augusta to Belfast. Maps -- go to the DEP Google Earth Interactive Map Page for maps related to significant vernal pools; PL 2007, Ch. Fax: 207-287-7826, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) Page, Maps -- go to the DEP Google Earth Interactive Map Page, Recommended Periods for Vernal Pool Egg Mass Survey by Geographic Region, Significant Vernal Pool Data Collection Form, Significant Vernal Pool Observer Credential Form, Vernal Pools - A Significant Wildlife Habitat. What is a vernal pool, and why should Maine people care about protecting them? Any one of or combination of the following species abundance levels, documented in any given year, determine the significance of a vernal pool. "Significant vernal pools" are a subset of vernal pools with particularly valuable habitat. A permit by rule will be available if certain standards are met, and can be approved within 14 days. Vernal Pool Guide and Pool Hopping New Guide Helps Towns Identify, Map and Assess Vernal Pools. For more information on the NRPA, a copy of the rules addressing significant vernal pools, application forms, and related materials, see the NRPA page. The Central Maine region is approximately that part of the state south of that same line and north of a line extending from Fryeburg to Augusta to Belfast. Contact your nearest DEP regional office, and ask to speak to the "on-call" person in the Land & Water Bureau, Division of Land Resource Regulation. The loss of vernal pools and the critical terrestrial habitat around them leads to local loss of amphibian species, a decrease in biodiversity, and a decline in food available for many other animals that live in these areas. Vernal pools dry completely by the middle or end of summer each year, or at least every few years. In any season, indicators of a vernal pool may include flat topography with depressions or pit-and-mound topography, fingernail clams, caddisfly cases, and evidence of temporary flooding. Call your nearest DEP regional office and ask to speak to the on-call person in "Land & Water" in order to request a field determination. Permits & Standards → NRPA → Vernal Pools → Vernal Pools: A Significant Wildlife Habitat (fact sheet), Reivsed: April, 2009 contact: Nearest DEP Office. Understanding the vital connections between landowner concerns, municipal planning, conservation activities, and the ecology of vernal pools will be the focus of natural and social scientists from the University of Maine, Clark University, and Bowdoin College as they embark on a multi-year research project concerning Maine’s small natural features—vernal pools. Maps -- go to the DEP Google Earth Interactive Map Page for maps related to significant vernal pools; PL 2007, Ch. Vernal Pools. This web site was designed to provide information on vernal pools. Programs → NRPA → Significant Vernal Pool Habitat. Maine’s vernal pool indicator species: spotted and blue-spotted salamanders, wood frogs and fairy shrimp. If more than 25% of the critical terrestrial habitat has been previously developed, restoring a portion of the developed area through supplemental planting or regrowth of native forest plants and trees may be considered toward meeting these standards. The DEP may provide a written determination concerning whether or not a vernal pool habitat is significant. 28 Tyson Drive
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