Below are some of the most interesting facts about the Arctic: Arctic foxes are thought to have arrived in Iceland during the last ice age, walking over to the North Atlantic island when the sea froze, forming a bridge. The white fox (Vulpes lagopus) is also called the Arctic fox, the polar fox and the snow fox.Arctic foxes are a part of the kingdom Animalia and the Canidae (or canine) family. These animals are numerous everywhere, except in Scandinavia. Read More. They’re valued for their fur . For much of the year, foxes are difficult to see in the wild. So without further ado, here are 15 fascinating facts about foxes! Despite it’s size, this athletic animal swims 6mph and can swim up to 30 miles at a time. They move to villages during the night. Most species of foxes are lone wolves. The arctic fox has been driven out of some regions, such as northern Scandinavia, because of predators like the red fox. Fennec foxes are sometimes called "desert foxes" because they live in desert zones of North Africa and the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas. All you need to know about the White Fox. Predation, human hunting and harsh survival conditions lead to a high mortality rate. Arctic Foxes are nomadic within a home range, moving from place to place in search of food. Their muzzle, ears, and legs are short, which also conserves heat. The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a mammal of the order Carnivora.. 15 little-known facts about the Arctic fox by Sara Laux - January 29, 2018 . Their round, compact bodies minimize surface area that is exposed to the cold air. Plus, arctic foxes even have fur on their paws, allowing them to walk across snow and ice, as noted by Defenders of Wildlife. The arctic fox has been hunted by humans for its pelt, and also hunted in Iceland because of being a pest to sheep farmers. In the summer months, arctic foxes have a brown or grey coat, and they grow the thick white coat in the winter. The average lifespan of an Arctic fox is 5 years – not bad for living in the extreme cold! Theo Alofs/Media Bakery RM. It doesn’t grow much higher than 15 cm on the cold tundra, and forms an important part of the diets of many Arctic animals. Arctic foxes are the only canid that can change coat color in the summertime, according to Canadian Geographic. Arctic fox fur changes colour with the seasons in order to blend in with their surroundings. Arctic foxes have been valued for their fur for centuries, even though it takes more than 20 animals to make a single coat. During the summer of 2007, 24 Arctic fox litters were born in Sweden and 15 were born in Norway. This means they're not only related to other species of fox like the red fox, but they're also a part of the family that includes dogs, wolves, dingos and coyotes. It is a small fox which lives in the Arctic. Arctic foxes are about the size of a house cat, averaging about 55 cm (male) to 52 cm (female) in height, with a 30 cm tail. It has enormous ears, measuring 6 inches (15 centimeters), which it appears to have borrowed from a much bigger relative. Red foxes have also been introduced to Australia and the Falkland Islands. As we know that young foxes (babies) are called as kits. 15 little-known facts about the Arctic fox by Sara Laux - January 29, 2018 . Arctic Foxes: Secrets of Survival. There are different names between male, female, young or baby fox, and group of foxes. Scientists usually define the Arctic as the area above the ‘Arctic Circle’ — an imaginary line that circles around the top of the globe. They are also known to live in a den or a cave. The Polar Bear is the largest land carnivore and can smell food up to 20 miles. Facts about Arctic 9: the herbivores. Arctic foxes (often misspelled as artic fox or artic foxes) are small, adorable, and have natural adaptations protecting them from predators and frigid temperatures. Fact 1 Foxes are carnivorous and belong to the dog family. The Arctic is located at the northernmost part of our planet. In folklore, foxes are typically characterized as cunning creatures sometimes having magical powers. If you love foxes, The Fox and the Hound is a pretty good movie – it’s basically how two different animals become friends, until the fox is discriminated against because the farmer wants to kill the fox. Meet the fennec fox: thriving mostly in the Northern part of the Sahara, fennec foxes are nocturnal creatures with giant ears and cream colored fur. The most popular foxes are of course the red fox and the Arctic fox, yet there exist 15 species altogether (such as the fennec fox, Tibetan sand fox, bat-eared fox and the gray fox etc.). 11 . Scientists have discovered that Arctic foxes also struggle as the ice … These foxes also bury themselves into the snow for protection, and use their thick tails as a blanket against the biting cold. A litter consists of up to as many as 15 kits. 1. Facts about the Arctic Fox » The arctic fox digs deep burrows in the side of cliffs to inhabit. A fox’s den is normally a burrow underground, also known as an ‘earth’, but they can also live above ground in a cosy hollow. Arctic foxes are classified as foxes. Polar bears may not be the only Arctic wildlife threatened by global warming. Arctic facts. Amazing Facts About the Red Fox. In the snow, such an animal may not be noticed, especially if the arctic fox closes its nose and eyes. Arctic fox, due to its appearance, is a very memorable creature. Facts about Fennec Foxes 5: Names of Fennec Foxes. 10 Facts About The Animals Who Live In The Arctic Biome . Of course, the defining feature of the Arctic fox is their deep, thick fur which allows them to maintain a consistent body temperature. The Arctic fox, (or 'white fox', 'polar fox', 'snow fox'), is Vulpes lagopus. Arctic Foxes do not hibernate, so they are able to produce up to two litters a year. They often migrate from Arctic to Mexico by reaching the distance of 12.500 miles. Their pure white coats camouflage them as they travel vast distances across this hostile environment in search of prey. Facts about Arctic 8: grey whales. A bunch of interesting facts about the new 1.14 mob, the fox! Arctic fox is the smallest member of canine family. Arctic foxes have several adaptations that allow them to survive. Once killed for their fur, a hunting ban means that their populations are recovering, but climate change threatens now to fundamentally alter their environment and is forcing them to compete with red foxes. In the summer, a fox puts on fat to help it survive the winter, essentially doubling its weight. Though in captivity foxes can live up to 15 years, this is not the case in the wild. They are also called ‘vulpes’ Adapted from Scholastic News magazine. The fox is about 10-12 inches high (25–30 cm) and it weighs from 6.5 to 21 pounds (2.7-4.5 kg).The females tend to be smaller than the males. An arctic fox has thick fur covering the soles of its feet. The fox's weight depends on the season. But when their cubs are born between May and July, they are vocal and more active during the day, hunting, playing or just relaxing in the sun. Today, there are about 200 individual Arctic foxes in Fennoscandia. The Arctic Fox is an important species in its environment, presented as food for many well-known animals such as the Polar Bear. They were overhunted in the past because of their beautiful pelt. Listen and read about how Arctic foxes survive. Amazing Arctic Facts For Kids. The arctic fox is the solitary land mammal seen in Iceland, probably due to the migration during the ice age. Arctic Polar Bear. Fact 2 The red fox is the most common of the foxes and is found around the world. There are some herbivores living here such as caribou, lemming, arctic … Arctic Willow grows further north than any other woody shrub. According to fossils, Arctic foxes got their start in Tibet during the Pliocene Epoch, 2.6 million years ago, then spread to North America and Eurasia by migrating over ice-land bridges. Arctic Fox Facts. 2. Wayne Lynch / Getty Images. Foxes are found all over the world.
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