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Russian language is very present in Riga and in the eastern part of Latvia. There is pro- and anti-Russian commentary in the media, even as some comedy TV programs produce parodies mocking Western leaders. A. Kuczyńska-Zonik, ‘Russian propaganda: methods of infl uence in the Baltic States’, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, vol. Between 1944 and 1989, Bulgaria was part of the Moscow-led Eastern military-political bloc and was considered the most loyal satellite of the Soviet Union. On March 7, Latvian Culture Minister Zaneta Jaunzeme-Grende issued a statement urging Latvian citizens to speak Latvian, not Russian, when addressing the media. As a result of the Moltov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1940, which secretly divided Eastern Europe into Nazi and Soviet spheres of influence, Latvia came under Soviet control. This article discusses the gradual decrease of Russia's influence in the Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania while considering the increased NATO presence in the region, Baltic energy security, and Baltic Russian-speaking communities. The largest percentage of this minority is in Latvia, where about 35% of the population are Russophones. Latvia's Russian minority is a major domestic political force, accounting for about 25 percent of its nearly 2 million people, a legacy of nearly 50 years of Soviet occupation that ended in 1991. The situation of Russians there, particularly in Estonia and Latvia where many Russians remain non-citizens, provides Moscow with an issue with … Economically, however, the country still remains under significant Russian influence. Russian influence, and deter Russian aggression. But Russia‘s influence plays an even greater role says correspondent Koen Verhelst, who lives in Riga. This includes not only ethnic Russians (26,9%) but also many other minorities (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews). RUSSIAN INFLUENCE IN LATVIA. The report also suggests Spain’s efforts helped squeeze financing otherwise used to support Russian influence efforts. However, nearly two hundred years of Russian domination has left an indelible impact on Latvia, where Russia influence remains strong. The Baltic Republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania won independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, but were only militarily free from post-Soviet influence in 1998. A RAND Corporation study examined Russian-language content on social media and the broader propaganda threat posed to the region of former Soviet states that include Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and, to a lesser extent, Moldova and Belarus. Located on the edges of the Russian Federation, the tiny Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are regarded by the Kremlin as rightfully belonging inside Moscow’s sphere of influence. Since breaking away from the disintegrating Soviet Union in the early 1990s however, the three countries have plotted their own course toward the West. Once achieved, Estonia and Lithuania, virtually surrounded by Russia’s influence, would have little choice but to reconsider NATO membership and economic alignment with the European Union. It is a good read, but its findings are not directly applicable outside of Latvia (and, possibly, Lithuania and Estonia). The Baltics’ historic dependence on Russia for natural gas had allowed Moscow to charge high prices and made the Baltics’ gas networks vulnerable to Russian influence. After 1918, Russian influence in the Balkans was linked to the spread of communist ideology. 70 percent of ethnic Russians live in Riga or the eastern Latvian region of Latgale. Nearly 25 percent of all Latvians boast Russian lineage and 37 percent of Latvian citizens are native Russian … RT is widely seen in Latvia and in Baltic neighbors Estonia and Lithuania as a Kremlin propaganda tool aiming to influence the region’s sizable ethnic Russian minority. Finland, Latvia Move to Ease Russian Energy Influence with New Pipeline January 4, 2020 The common gas market of Estonia, Latvia, and Finland was launched on January 1, in a step towards easing the region’s dependence on Russian gas, ERR writes. Russian has had a strong influence on religious vocabulary, while German has influenced the domestic vocabulary. These populations, in turn, exercise political power through parties such as Estonia's Center Party and Latvia's Harmony Center. It is also seen in the country's politics. Latvia shares a 214 km border with Russia and is host to one of the largest ethnic Russian communities in the European Union and NATO. But the charges now appearing in US media outlets sound very familiar to a group of countries situated on one of the frontlines of the new Cold War: the Baltics. “ A quarter of the population speak Russian as the first language and watch a lot of Russian-language media in Latvia, ” explains Verhelst, “ and many Latvian speakers over 30 speak Russian as a second or third language. German landowners managed to retain their influence in Latvia, but indigenous Latvian nationalism grew rapidly in the early 20th century. Politically, Latvia is firmly anchored to the West through its membership of the European Union and NATO. Since 2010, the “Concord” party remained the largest party in Latvia to represent Russian minority rights and promote the importance of good … Fight fake news. During the Soviet period Russian was … You can have some idea of the distribution of Russian speakers from this map. Defenses (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) against Russian Propaganda; and 3.Russia ... notably in a historical sense using propaganda to influence and persuade audiences. Every summer a conga line of tourists in campers and RVs chugs the 220 miles from Anchorage, Alaska, to the town of Homer, a picturesque fishing port with panoramic views of … The Kremlin has several economic instruments at its disposal which could be used to cause significant negative impact on Latvian economy. In Latvia, 38% of residents claim Russian as their mother tongue, with immigrants from Belarus and other former Soviet republics joining the 26% of … RUSSIAN INFLUENCE IN THE BALTIC STATES. This article discusses the gradual decrease of Russia's influence in the Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania while considering the increased NATO presence in the region, Baltic … Disinformation is a tool commonly used by a number of states to sow discord, undermine faith in governing institutions, stoke fear and anxiety, and ultimately achieve certain policy goals. The Baltic states’ belonging to the European space isn’t a given. The importance of Russian dates to The CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, recently concluded a 16-month study to understand the nature of Russian influence in five case countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Latvia, and Serbia. In the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries the educated segments of the population became fluent in Russian. With the onset of the information age, the concept’s development and application increased dramatically. Russian influence 2014 September - US President Barack Obama visits Estonia to reassure the Baltic states that they can count on Nato protection, amid tensions following Russia's seizure of Crimea. Latvia, … Some Bulgarians who studied in the USSR before 1989 still have an influence on the country’s socio-political life and maintain contacts with their former Russian counterparts. Russia's influence in Bosnia-Herzegovina 04:44. In it, he disparaged the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states. Government Activities Against Russian Influence & Disinformation This influence is seen primarily in Latvia's many ethnic Russians, who currently account for just less than 30 percent of the population. The Russian languag e media being used by Latvia’s media audiences. In past years, Latvia … “ A quarter of the population speak Russian as the first language and watch a lot of Russian-language media in Latvia,” explains Verhelst, “and many Latvian speakers over 30 speak Russian as a second or third language.” The focus of Russian influence is Republika Srpska, which limits the total ability of action and lobbying within Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he explains, while adding that over 80 per cent of foreign trade in the country is tied to the EU, so there is already economical convergence. Over the past several years, Russia, its government agencies, and affiliated groups have used a combination of social media savvy and disinformation strategies to further Russian influence largely by weakening its foes. The influence of Russia is also strong in Latvia, but its impact is seen as less benign. KRAKOW, Poland — Vladimir Putin’s Russia represents a major threat to the unity of the European Union, President of the European Council Donald Tusk said Saturday. Latvian police detained and questioned Rimsevics on Feb. 17 in connection to a bribery case, a fishing trip in Russia and American allegations that a Latvian … But Russia‘s influence plays an even greater role says correspondent Koen Verhelst, who lives in Riga. On the one hand, Russia has antagonized Baltic states through its wars in Georgia and Ukraine, on the other hand, deep integration in the EU and NATO has pulled the Baltic states from the Russian zone of influence. Russian influence can involve many aspects of Russian society and other governments and their societies, and it can include extralegal networks too. The Russian language is spoken natively by some 37% of Latvia’s population, most of them in the cities and Latgale. Latvia shares a 214 km border with Russia and is host to one of the largest ethnic Russian communities in the European Union and NATO. Nearly 25 percent of all Latvians boast Russian lineage and 37 percent of Latvian citizens are native Russian speakers. Reestablishment of Russian dominance in Latvia would effectively isolate Estonia and bring Kaliningrad closer to the Russian mainland. The study analyzed pro-Russian trolling on the internet in Latvia in Russian and Latvian languages. Russian media has been known to have a profound effect on civil life. The Baltic Republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania won independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, but were only militarily free from post-Soviet influence in 1998. Russian–speaking minorities constitute a significant proportion of the populations of Latvia and Estonia, and to a lesser extent, Lithuania. Tusk makes scathing attack on Russian influence. Estonia and Latvia, two of the three former Soviet Baltic states, have each seen drops of about 10 percentage points in the proportion of their population citing Russian as their first language since 1994, with Russian speakers in Latvia falling from 40.5 percent to 29.8 percent, and those in Estonia from 33.3 percent to 23.4 percent. Is it possible to say that Russia can potentially use Latvian Orthodox Church as one of its tools of influence over Russian-speakers living in Latvia? generally hav e content being produced in Latvia and/or Russia. Whether an older Latvian nostalgic for the Soviet period or a young person listen to Adele online, Latvians remain preoccupied with Russian influence. As was the case in Belarus before this year, Russian influence in the civil societies of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia is limited. 2, 2016, pp. Russian speakers in Latvia are not inherently supportive of Russia (especially since the invasion of Crimea), but are rather divided into several camps: support for Russia, loyalty to Latvia, and a neutral position. RIGA, Latvia (AP) — Latvians voted in a parliamentary election Saturday in which a party catering to the Baltic nation's large ethnic Russian minority is expected to win the most support but have trouble forming a coalition government. 49, 54. Located on the edges of the Russian Federation, the tiny Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are regar… We have invited to presents of each country, Alexander Menos, who's international secretary of Unity Youth Organization in Latvia. I believe there is such a possibility. Russian Disinformation in Latvia. However, automatic citizenship in the new Latvian … Justification: Latvia’s status as a NATO front-line state has taken on greater importance in the current geopolitical environment, and Latvian leaders have consistently expressed concern about Russia’s intensifying threat of “hybrid warfare” in the altic states – The chapter about the Kremlin’s information influence activities uses Latvia’s case, where the country’s education system is transferring to the Latvian language in Russian language public schools where studying is currently split 60-40 between Latvian and Russian languages respectively. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, Latvia declared its independence on November 18, 1918, and, after a confused period of fighting, the new nation was recognized by Soviet Russia and Germany in 1920. Apparently, Russia’s factor is present in Latvia and it may have an influence on a number of issues varying from mutual trade, investments and business environment to perceptions of regional security dynamic, domestic political configuration and role of Russian-speaking minority to media and culture. July 7, 2016. The Russian minority voted for Latvian independence in a nonbinding referendum held that March, along with 75 percent of the population. Beginning in 1940 and continuing until they declared independence in the early 1990s, the Baltic countries were subjected to systematic It is almost never heard in the western or the northern part of the country. This chapter is part of a volume due out with Springer in early 2021, titled The Russian Federation in Global Information Warfare: Influence Operations in Europe and Its Near Abroad, edited by Vladimir Sazonov of the University of Tartu and Holger Mölder, Archil Chochia and Tanel Kerikmäe of the Tallinn University of Technology.

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