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The Holy Ghost is no longer in communion with their soul. Because that is what the 13 means in the number 1335 mentioned in Daniel 12:12. 24:30-31; 25:31-45). God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4 1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.American King James Version ×).But considering the masses of humanity who have never even heard the name of Christ, many Christians have wondered if or how they would have a chance for salvation. But when this happens, Jesus Christ will come back to earth and destroy the Antichrist. Cut him off totally. When Jesus returns to earth the wicked who are left alive will call for the rocks and hills to fall on them because they cannot look upon the face of Christ (Revelation 6:15-17). The wicked will be destroyed with everlasting destruction because they did not know God or obey the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10). Jesus Christ is coming back to this Earth very soon. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust and am not afraid. Some post-tribulation believers believe the resurrection happens while Jesus is coming in the clouds after the tribulation, and the resurrected "saints" then come back down to earth with him as he comes to Armageddon. When a person chooses to deny the faith that they once had they depart from God, and fall from grace. It’s a beautiful, sobering account of what happens when God’s people take His Word seriously. Dr. McGee tells us more about it: When Josiah took the throne, the sun came up again, shining once more in the land. Very mad, supremely and utterly pissed off, the way the Imperium has been run is the exact opposite of what he wanted. It’s one thing to ignore him, but cutting him off completely, as if he never existed, … This explains the first part of that final number, 1335. Jesus was clear, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one can come to the Father except through me.” 7. If any event needs to happen before Jesus’ coming for the saints in the rapture, there is no need to watch. Pay close attention to matters of the heart. The Christian life is about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Avoid focusing primarily on a list of dos and don’ts. Stay close to the Lord throughout each day. Keep your heart and mind upon the kingdom of God. Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (Psalm 2:2, 4, 6-9) Soon, God’s Kingdom will rule the earth, and it will remove all rival rulerships and make the earth a paradise for humans to live in forever. Reincarnation doesn’t occur. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.” One day Jesus will come, though even to the saints His coming will be an overwhelming surprise (Luke 21:34-36) -- for all slumber and sleep in their long wait (Matthew 25:5) . You don’t get a second chance. In this book, Philip Wittig describes the parallelism between Israel and America, arguing that the latter is currently facing an impending doom similar to what happened to the former. Get fed up with your life. This is the pathway back to spiritual transformation—the three things you need to do to get back to God. Ultimately, though, the Bible is God-breathed and every word of it is from Him (2 Timothy 3:16), including the prophecies regarding the end times. Moses took time to remind the people of God’s faithfulness during their wilderness journey: “God protected them in the howling wilderness a s though they were the apple of His eye. In short, the return of Christ brings about what is referred to as the kingdom of God in Scripture—God’s absolute rule over His creation, including humankind. Nowadays a lot of people are turning to black magic in order to achieve all kinds of evil and selfish purposes – controlling or doing harm to people, accumulating wealth, and promotion at work or … After this, the final judgment of the dead takes place (the Great White Throne Judgment, Revelation 20:11-15). Return of Jesus Christ to this earth! We can see this clearly in the parable of the prodigal son. Geopolitically, the central focus of … Jesus cannot come back with us at the 2nd coming if He has to come get us first. You don’t come back and get to do it over. Jesus says, “Come to me.” “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink...out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” 8. That’s when God sent His flood of judgment and that same judgment is coming again when Jesus Christ appears for the second time, and when they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory, “even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him ” (Rev 1:7b) because they know their time of judgment has come. The Bible does not identify any event that needs to happen before the Rapture – there is nothing that needs to happen before Jesus comes to rapture His own and take them to the Father’s house! Christ will not send an angel or some other dignitary to bring Christians to heaven, but He will come “Himself.”. When it happens, He will show no mercy and offer no "second chances.” At that time He will be quick to judge, and the final rebellion of Satan and sinful man will be over in a flash of fire. Once the life review is complete – usually between six months to … It operates in the lusts of the heart, leading to impurity. Instead of a secular enlightened government they have a chaotic theocratic nightmare government. 6 Many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and will deceive many. According to Paul, Christ will not “sneak back” to Earth, but … If he comes back he is going to be mad. “@Rachel__Nichols This is what happens when you throw the word "God" loosely around Rachel. This bible study shows that the saints whom Jesus comes back with are only holy angels. The rising of the dead in Christ does not happen when God's people die. December 22, 2016 – Consequences Of Using Black Magic: See What Happens To People Who Practice Black Magic & Witchcraft The Limitations Of Black Magic, An Opinion Article By Tony Ogunlowo. Instead of trying to reach God, he tells us how we can begin a relationship with him right now. He spreads His wings over them, e ven as an eagle overspreads her young. The Rapture: Christians Meet Him in the Air! Please help me understand these things. His coming will be announced with a loud shout, the voice of an archangel, and the trumpet of God. God does not condemn him. Shortly, the words of the model prayer that Jesus taught will be fulfilled: “Let your Kingdom come. God doesn’t just come through. It comes back to haunt you. At midnight, in earth's darkest hour, God will manifest His love and deliver His people. A Jewish homeland had to be reestablished in the Middle East. When Jesus returns, He will be ready for war (Revelation 19:11–16). Psalm 56:3-4. So it seems like God turns His back on us but actually, He just allows us to have what we really wanted. Life after death: Scientist explains what ACTUALLY happens when you die - VIDEO A WORLD renowned doctor has revealed to the world what it … (Zech 14/ Rev 19/ Mtt 24/ Luke 19/ Dan 7) After the last trumpet … Or Armageddon. But even if … The devil will then be bound for one thousand years (see Revelation 20:1-3). The Jewish year 5774 is a leap year, and so it will have 13 months! Now, Jesus Himself made it crystal clear that we cannot know the date of His return. To accomplish that, Jesus ushers in two different judgments, two different resurrections, and two different eternities. 8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. I’m not saying you should hold your breath and hope a guy comes back to you, but if it does happen, it probably shouldn't be a huge shock. This causes their soul to, once again, take on death since they have left the source of life. 5 Ways to Come Back to God. The Bible declares that God “has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth.”. In Revelation 6 we read of the sixth seal. He carries us through. But there is good news for the backslider! As we saw above, the year that Jesus returns will be the Jewish year 5774 (our year 2014), and that year happens to be a leap year. It is a time, in the near future, when the sun will darken and the moon will look like the color of blood. In the parable, the father saw his son returning while he was still far off. God was there before you lied telling you not to lie in His Word. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Revelation, however, reveals still other witnesses from God. When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. They transcend entirely into Spirit. 7 When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. It happens only at the end of the world when Jesus comes to pick up all His people at the same time, both the dead and those who are yet alive. altburger69's brush with death didn't stop them from cracking jokes. Zechariah 14 says He comes back in His 2nd coming and sets foot on the mount of olives and takes over His temple to rule for 1000 years. God’s loving concern for the backslider is steadfast and sure. And then, here is the third view and I put myself here: Some say that the one thousand years happens after Christ comes again, or he comes pre, before the millennium — and that is why it is called Premillennialism. When Christ died, he forgave sin and fulfilled the law and defeated death and obtained not just our souls but also our bodies. Then, after Christ comes to a very rebellious earth and establishes his reign, there is a long, long period of glorious rule of Christ on the earth. But when he does that he will have to get rid of the ruling powers and the evil people. The End Times - Before the Tribulation Rapture—The Rapture is when Jesus returns to the sky and takes up the believers, dead and alive, so they will not have to suffer God's wrath during the Tribulation. This will be called the Day of God’s Wrath. Nothing is going to happen in your life until you get dissatisfied with the way you are, until you can say, “I don’t like this. So Jesus cannot take us to heaven at His 2nd coming, because He will remain on the earth. Therefore God will honor the work of his Son by raising your body from the dead, and you will use your body to glorify him forever and ever. Both of these theories are false. First of all, God is not coming back. Their bodies will be unburied for three days until they are miraculously resurrected. But God used the boy-king Josiah to bring the Word of God back to Israel. His son will come to cleanse the earth and restore it to the paradise earth it was in the beginning. At the rapture/resurrection the spirits of deceased believers will return with the Lord where they will be united with completely new physical bodies that will never wear out or decompose. When man is abandoned by God, when a society is abandoned by God, it operates only out of the passions of its own impure heart. That is why you have a body now. When Christ returns, He will judge the wickedness of the earth, rescue those still living in the earth who are saved and bring them into the millennial kingdom, and bring judgment of physical death on all the others (Matt. I’m tired of being stressed out all the time. These people have tasted and seen that God is good and yet walked away from Him. No doubt, there are many asking how to come back to God after falling away. The answer is yes! There is hope for those who have once been in the faith and yet left it. Philip Wittig’s Apostasy Can Lead a Nation to Self-Destruct is a compelling book that demonstrates how apostasy is plaguing the world, particularly America. In biblical terms, the rapture is an event near the end … There is no God but Allah @DaTrillStak5 @KyrieIrving we cant be calling Iverson and Egyptian mummies "gods" ‍♂️” "Had a heart … Thus a pre-tribulational rapture means that Jesus’ return is imminent. ( Acts 17:31) This day of judgment, also known as the Final Judgment, is when Jesus, the Son of God, will judge "the living and the dead" before destroying the old heaven and earth, which are corrupted of sin. Immediately afterward, the bodies of living believers will be changed from mortal to immortal, and like the dead we’ll also have new bodies that will never wear out or decompose. The Lord calls that person back to Himself through the work of the Holy Spirit. When a society becomes pornographic, when the general character of a society can be seen to be immoral, this wrath is in effect. Or is it a hoot? There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. The basic reason there is a debate about the delay in Christ’s return is that Jesus told the first generation of his disciples that he would be back before the last of that crew kicked the bucket: “Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come with power” (Mark 9:1). He didn’t turn His back on us, we turned our backs on Him, pushed Him away, and He left us to the consequences of what we truly wanted, a life without Him. If you choose to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross to save you from the consequences of your sin, you receive eternal life and go to heaven to be with Him forever in fellowship, light, joy and truth. In the Great Tribulation the final form of anti-God religion will consist of the atheistic worship of the world ruler and a denial of the true God. So, if someone says Jesus has already come, you will know that it is not true! When Jesus comes back, everyone will see it over the whole earth. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. There are many verses which speak of the Holy Spirit as being a seal that preserves us. Trusting God eliminates our fears because we learn to lean on His understanding, not our own, and we learn that His understanding is good.

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