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School Improvement Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) • Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) • Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) • Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) Layers of support depending on designation. Educators search for high-quality research and evidence-based interventions to strengthen grant applications, to support comprehensive and targeted schools, or to implement new programming in their schools. Resources required to support the intervention; and Strategies to monitor performance and ensure continuous improvement, including plans for data collection, analysis and/or an evaluation (also see Step 5 in this guidance). When all … Comprehensive literacy State development grants. ^ indicates graduation rates lag one year (i.e. The CSI plan must be approved by the school, LEA, and its state educational agency (SEA). When we set up our novice teachers for success, we set up their students for success. •Under ESSA, a school will be identified based off of the federal A-F grade as a “Comprehensive Support and Improvement” (CSI) school if any of the following apply: • It is a Title I served school that receives an “F” letter grade or falls at or below the lowest-performing 5% of all Title I served schools; The report on which this brief is based synthesizes the research evidence about the impact of community schools on student and school outcomes. Consistent with the California statewide system of support’s focus on increasing the capacity of LEAs to meet the needs of all students, the Budget Act of 2019 appropriated ESSA, Section 1003 funds to … For more grant opportunities, visit DPI’s Competitive Grant Inventory. Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia are also measuring chronic absenteeism to inform school improvement efforts. LEA Responsibility: Each LEA receiving this notification, in partnership with stakeholders including principals and other school leaders, teachers and parents, is required to develop and implement a school-level targeted TSI plan to improve student Missouri ESSA Accountability Profile 4 School Improvement Categories Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Schools Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) Schools Additional Targeted Support (ATS) Schools Identification criteria • Low-performing school: Bottom 5% of Title I schools, as ranked by composite index score Evidence of the l … Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (A-TSI): Schools in which performance by one or more student groups is at or below the level of the CSI schools. ESSA requires states to designate schools for an additional category of support, Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), on an annual basis beginning Fall 2019. Specific strategies include: Building community capacity to support kindergarten transitions; Building school board efficiency through a school board coach; The report on which this brief is based synthesizes the research evidence about the impact of community schools on student and school outcomes. CSI schools work on a Continuous Improvement Cycle, receive federal funds to implement Continuous Improvement Plans, and are assigned a School Support Specialist. Continuous School Improvement Plan: Updating the CSIP with current state assessment data. All priority, focus, and 1, 2, or 3-star schools participate in the school improvement planning process. Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools. Comprehensive Support and Improvement . ... ESSA Toolbox - Alliance for Excellent Education. Current State DA Grade of “D” or “F” for graded schools with graduation rates of 67% or lower DA Regional Teams School Improvement Plan DA Rule 2017-18 2018-19 ESSA Category: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CS&I) Accounting for AB 86 Funding – IPI and ELO Grants (added 19-Apr-2021) This guidance was sent via email on April 15, 2021 to the SACS Forum, ESSCO, and COFS email distribution lists regarding accounting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 86 funding – In-Person Instruction (IPI) and Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grants. This guide builds on that ED guidance and provides an initial set of tools to help states and districts understand and plan for implementing evidence-based improvement strategies. ESSA includes a provision that allows a local school district to provide all students enrolled in a school identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement the option to transfer to another public school in the district, unless such an option is prohibited by state law (Sec. Historically, America led the world in establishing a society with democratic values such as equal opportunity and protection from discrimination. ESSA state plan outlines how schools will be identified for support and improvement, how long schools will remain in status, and the exit criteria that will be used to determine whether schools can exit status. Please note that the identification and support will begin in the 2018-2019 school year. ESSA requires states to designate schools for an additional category of support, Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), on an annual basis beginning Fall 2019. According to ESSA, schools receiving federal funding must use EBPs for particular programs described in Titles I, II, and IV of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Comprehensive Support and Improvement. Comprehensive Support and Improvement. Evidence-based education (EBE) is the principle that education practices should be based on the best available scientific evidence, rather than tradition, personal judgement, or other influences. Comprehensive Support and Improvement. targeted support and improvement plan over a State-determined number of years, it becomes a school that has a chronically low-performing subgroup and is identified for … Its aim is to support and inform school, community, district, and state leaders as they consider, propose, or implement community schools as a strategy for providing equitable, high-quality education to all young people. Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools Schools are identified for comprehensive support and improvement based on the performance of all students. Support school leadership team with conducting Comprehensive Needs Assessment; 1 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), as amended through P.L. ; 2021-22 Approved Indirect Cost Rates (added 16-Apr-2021) … While requirements for low-performing schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement Evidence-Based Improvement: A Guide for States to Strengthen Their Frameworks and Supports Aligned to the Evidence Requirements of ESSA. Title 1 schools with student proficiency rate in the lowest 5% on AzMERIT. comprehensive support and improvement (csi) The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state educational agencies to determine school eligibility for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI). ``SEC. Carmichael, CA 95608. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Support for School Improvement Florida Organization of Instructional Leaders November 8, 2018. 2 School Improvement Categories Will be identified on new report cards Federal Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CS&I) for DA Schools/ Currently State CS&I and TS&I. Comprehensive Support and Improvement Identification . It requires all public schools to provide comprehensive sexual health education (CSHE) by the 2022–23 school year, with some requirements beginning in the 2020-21 school year. To find out about scheduled meetings, click on the committee name: TSI – Consistency Underperforming (TSI-CU) TSI – Additional Targeted Support (TSI-AT) 1. Sec. 2. As required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the Kentucky Department of Education will identify Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools referenced in KRS 160.346. 2020-21 CSI Implementation Grant. 2020-2021 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application ... 2019-2020 ESC Comprehensive School Support, Cycle 2 09/10/2019 11/12/2019 Discretionary Non-Competitive ... 2018-2019 School Improvement Redesign Support and Technical Assistance Title VIII—ESSA Unsafe School Choice Option. Subgrants to eligible entities in support of birth through kindergarten entry literacy. Featured educational resources and articles on education reform and budget allocation for urban school districts. The new reports specify schools that have been identified for additional support and improvement based on their performance. School level planning team. Based in Alaska STEPP. Schools in need of Comprehensive Support and Improvement will develop Integrated Action Plans, based on needs identified in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and a thorough root cause analysis which reflect these evidence-based interventions. Sec. Targeted Support and Improvement Schools . All schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement are developing and implementing a Continuous School Improvement Plan based on the comprehensive needs assessment. A school is identified for comprehensive support and improvement if any of the following three criteria apply: 1. Using Data to Keep School Improvement On-Track: Focus on Comprehensive Support and Improvement By Natalie Lacireno-Paquet Research on chronically low-performing schools suggests that monitoring the implementation and progress of those schools’ improvement efforts can help them use limited resources more effectively. P: (916) 971-7700 F: … ESSA became fully operational in school year 2017–18. Includes the process Delaware uses for identifying schools that qualify for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) and targeted support and improvement (TSI). Sec. Identification of schools required by ESSA At least once every three years, the state must identify at least the lowest performing 5% of schools receiving Title 1 funding as well as any high school with a graduation rate below 66% as in need of comprehensive support and improvement … It is the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Local educational agencies (LEAs) with schools that meet the criteria for CSI must partner with stakeholders to locally develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes. Comprehensive Support and Improvement . 2224. ESSA requires states to identify Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools based on a single set of criteria regardless of the school’s population or mission. Integrated Library and Textbook Support Services is committed to helping students, teachers, and staff become effective users of ideas and information by providing them with the vision, strategies, and skills to access and utilize current learning resources and technologies. School plans submitted by: 1 and 2 star schools. At least once every three years, states must identify the lowest-performing 5 percent of Title I schools and high schools with graduation rates at or below 67 percent for comprehensive, The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB) on December 10, 2015. Support and Improvement (TSI) schools as defined in the North Carolina Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan. If the ESSA amendment is approved, campuses Per federal law, LEAs with schools identified in school support and improvement categories are responsible for a number of requirements. ESSA Statutory Accountability Provisions: School Identification Each state is required to identify schools for: Comprehensive Support and Improvement: •lowest-performing 5% of Title I schools •all public high schools with a graduation rate below 67%, •additional schools that have chronically low-performing Ohio uses the accountability measures on the Ohio School Report Cards as gauges for continuous improvement. 1003. II. CSI Graduation Rate: high schools (Title I or non-Title I) with a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate less than or equal to 67%. ESSA also permits (but does not require) states to “initiate additional improvement” in any district with a significant number of schools that are consistently identified as comprehensive and fail to meet exit criteria, or in any district with a significant number of targeted schools. At the discretion of the state, additional state-determined categories of support may be identified for inclusion in the system. CSI & DSS Extension Granted – Superintendents Memo January 18, 2018. The Oklahoma Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) plan provides for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools to receive support from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. While states may consider an index of measures that produces a single summative score, a state could also use a set of decision rules to meet the law’s requirements. Under ESSA, schools have three categories of support: Targeted, Comprehensive, and State Intervention. Comprehensive Support and Improvement. educational agency's statewide system of technical assistance and. Sec. • Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI): Schools that are in the bottom 5 percent of Title I schools for all students, or have a graduation rate of 67 percent or lower. Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools 2019-2020 Comprehensive Support and Improvement Application 2019-2020 Comprehensive Support and Improvement Budget Summary Chart 2019-2020 CSI Grants 24190 Memo to Superintendents, Charter Directors, and Business Managers, May 6, 2019 Feedback on Current Sections 3 and 5 The New Mexico Public … We support this approach in Iowa in the interest of transparency, accountability and support for ongoing improvement of schools. Schools in Need of Comprehensive Support and Improvement . Exit Criteria for Schools Identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Comprehensive Support and Improvement Application 2019-2020. Federal Funding will Provide Optional Reading Resources and Supports for Districts, Teachers, Families Nashville, TN—Today, the Tennessee Department of Education released details on a new $100 million statewide initiative, “Reading 360,” to ensure Tennessee districts, teachers, and families are equipped with tools and resources to help students read on grade level by third grade. Comprehensive Support and Improvement. `` (a) State Reservations.--To carry out subsection (b) and the State. greater of--. 2002-2020 Board of Education Meeting Materials. Comprehensive Needs Assessment : Conduct a CNA of both operational and instructional components. The Center for Assessment strives to increase student learning through more meaningful educational assessment and accountability practices. The federal ESSA framework requires states to identify two levels of underperforming schools; Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) and Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools. Method. To the top. CSI schools are low-performing schools that have an overall score in the bottom five percent of overall scores by level. Regardless of school type, all schools identified as in need of comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) must undertake a needs assessment, perform a root cause analysis, and form Community Advisory Boards (CAB). The purpose of the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Implementation Grant, authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is to provide Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) with additional funds and resources to assist CSI identified schools in implementation, monitoring and refinement of the improvement plan. Abstract. States will be required to identify schools in need of Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), Additional Targeted Support (ATSI), … The goal of the program is to support and retain new teachers and ensure an equitable, high-quality education for every student in Washington. 1. Comprehensive Needs Assessments Module. New data reported /required by ESSA – to be published in fall 2019: 1) Financial Reporting. The division intervenes with campuses and districts that earn a D or F through the State Accountability System and with campuses identified for Comprehensive, Targeted, and Additional Targeted Support under ESSA. Comprehensive Support and Improvement Budget Summary Chart 2019-2020. ESSA Statutory Accountability Provisions: School Identification Each state is required to identify schools for: Comprehensive Support and Improvement: •lowest-performing 5% of Title I schools •all public high schools with a graduation rate below 67%, •additional schools that have chronically low-performing The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to identify schools for Comprehensive (CS), Targeted (TS), or Additional Targeted (A-TS) Support and Improvement.Additionally, ESSA requires that identified schools develop and implement an improvement plan that addresses the reasons for the school’s identification and will result in improvement of student outcomes. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, and represents good news for our nation’s schools. 4. Comprehensive Support. education programs, and campuses implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under ESSA (Section 1111(d)). CSI Grant Opportunities. 2222. Turnaround or Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) under ESSA will not be identified for TSI. Accountability system must include the process used to ensure effective development and implementation of school support and improvement plans to hold schools accountable for student achievement and school success. The overarching goal of Title IV, Part A, … **parents, as included in this document, could be defined as extended family members, legal guardians, foster parents, or … As part of their state ESSA plans, 37 states and the District of Columbia use a measure of chronic absenteeism in their accountability and improvement systems. The focus became on the domain of Administrative Leadership in the area of Strong Educator Support System. ESSA Definition: Title I Schools previously identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement that did not meet the state’s exit criteria within 3 years. received 1003 funds in order to support school improvement efforts will fully and faithfully undertake the school improvement process. Thirty-four are identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement. Schools receive this designation either because their overall scores fall within the lowest 5 percent of Iowa schools receiving federal Title I funding, or because they are high schools with a graduation rate below 67.1 percent. ESSA Private School Equitable Services Continuous School Improvement. We engage in deep partnerships with state and district education leaders to design, implement, and evaluate assessment and accountability policies and systems, and to design technically sound policy solutions to support important educational goals. Campuses identified as comprehensive support and improvement based solely on a graduation rate below 67 percent must have a federal graduation rate of at least 67 percent for two consecutive years to exit comprehensive support and improvement status. School improvement. At least once every 3 years, … In compliance with the Every Student Succeeds Act, NM Vistas is a new school portal that celebrates our schools' successes and helps identify those in need of additional support. Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools: Under ESSA, NCLB’s identification for school improvement, corrective action, restructuring, public school choice and supplemental educational services is replaced with two categories: 34 Schools identified under ESSA: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)** Schools identified under ESSA: Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) Schools identified under ESSA: Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) W HAT? They manage people, data and processes with the goal of school improvement. Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools . CSI Implementation Grants provide funds to public school districts to assist schools that have been identified for CSI under ESSA as they implement the evidence-based improvement … Step 4. ESSA allows states flexibility in how they combine and use these indicators to identify the appropriate schools for support and improvement. The Future Ready PA Index illustrates student and school success via three color-coded categories: academic performance, student progress, and college and career readiness, providing the public with a more comprehensive look at how Pennsylvania's schools are educating students. Comprehensive Support and Improvement. Local educational agencies (LEAs) with schools that meet the criteria for CSI must partner with stakeholders to locally develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes. ESSA requires states to identify schools that are struggling. Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) – schools that performed at level 1 on a combination of ESSA indicators or schools with a graduation rate of less than 67 percent. Based on the overall performance of a school, looking at all of these factors, states must identify the schools that are struggling the most, the bottom 5 percent, and provide comprehensive support—however a state wants to define that is up to them, but it’s the highest level of support. Additional Statewide Category. 2020-21 ESSA Comprehensive Support and Improvement Prompts Form Page 3 of 5 Exeter Unified School District Fourth Session: October 27, 2020 Kaweah Team met and reviewed the priority selection from the FIA. Implementation will impact the ultimate success of an interventionso SEAs, LEAs, and schools , Promise Schools: the 5.01% to 10% lowest performing Title I schools in the state when ranked based on their three-year CCRPI average. On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a long-awaited overhaul of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) or most commonly referred to as the No Child Left Behind Act. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state educational agencies to determine school eligibility for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI). 2020-21 ESSA Comprehensive Support and Improvement Prompts Form Page 4 of 10 California Pacific Charter School - San Diego 2019-20 Student Group Enrollment: African American, 6.8%, American Indian1.4%, Asian 1.8%, Filipino 0.7%, Hispanic 37.3%, Pacific ESSA requires states to establish a system of meaningfully differentiating school performance offering support to schools in need of improvement. There are three categories of CSI schools and two categories of TSI schools. Support- by subgroup(s) School Improvement Plan targeting subgroup(s) as Area of Focus 2017-18 through 2022-23 2023-24 3. ... the primary focus is on schools identified as needing comprehensive or targeted support and improvement. Get In Touch. Colorado’s method: 2.1. comprehensive support and improvement status. for comprehensive and targeted support and improvement. Advisory Committee Meetings . Any school identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) will work with stakeholders to develop a School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) for the upcoming school year. Title V, Part A—Funding Transferability. 2002-2020 Business Meeting and 2012-2020 Work Session information is available.. Instruction must be consistent with Health Education K-12 Learning Link to Binder: Link to Current Tab: Email Embed Facebook Twitter Classroom Upgrade to Pro Today! Local Educational Agency (LEA) Name Contact Name and Title Email and Phone Palm Springs Unified School District OSPI is in the process of implementing the law, beginning with the identification of schools for Comprehensive and Targeted supports in the The Maryland Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated Plan identifies three categories of schools to support for improvement. In alignment with federal requirements 1 and Ohio’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) state plan, the state’s lowest-performing schools are identified as Priority schools. Continuous School Improvement Plan: Updating the CSIP with current state assessment data. Senate Bill 5395, passed by the Legislature and Washington voters in 2020, went into effect on December 3, 2020 (see Bulletin 092-20). The purpose of this paper is to provide a fairly comprehensive overview of the federal law and key design considerations for states as they develop and revise their systems of school identification under ESSA. For 2018, Rhode Island will identify the following groups of schools for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI): The lowest performing five percent of all schools – including at least the bottom five percent of Title 1 schools – based on performance on all indicators in the accountability system. Abstract. CNA Link. - Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools - Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) schools - Additional Targeted Support (ATS) schools This document provides an overview of CSI schools. 2223. Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) – schools with one or more student subgroups performing at a level 1. ESSA Update. Frameworks of "best practices". Evidence-based education is related to evidence-based teaching, evidence-based learning, and school effectiveness research. support for local educational agencies, each State shall reserve the. The three categories are: Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Targeted Support and Improvement, and . What Does ESSA Say About Evidence-Based Practices? Districts & Schools Support Funding Opportunities High School Graduation Requirements Testing and School Accountability Recognitions Federal Program Monitoring Data & Reports Data & Reports. North Dakota will select schools with the highest proportion of struggling students for Comprehensive Support and Improvement every three years. Its summative score is at or below the bottom fifth percentile of Title I schools (i.e., the cut score). As required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the Kentucky Department of Education will identify Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools referenced in KRS 160.346. CSI Grants 24190 Memo to Superintendents, Charter Directors, and Business Managers, May 6, 2019.

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