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From the Latin concordare, to agree. Over recent years, the term has become associated with many different health c … History. As a service to our readers, provides access to our library of archived content. Durations of depressive episodes that were less than 13 months were correlated more strongly with depression in the other twin. The psychology of sacrifice relates to the law of oppositesthe fact that the conscious experience of one side constellates its opposite in the unconscious. There is a continuing debate within psychology addressing whether nature or nurture has the biggest effect on our behaviour. Sleep. Over the past decade, improvements in assessment and treatment of leg ulcers have led to heightened expectations of healing as an outcome. Concordance appears to offer an alternative approach consistent with person-centred approaches to decision-making. This model explains schizophrenia through biological faults, for example viral infections and brain abnormalities. Results: The concordance rate of major depressive disorder for MZ twins was 46% and for non-identical (DZ) twins was 20%. All of these themes are requisite to a positive outcome, and we will show that this conceptuali-sation of concordance is useful with whatever decision-making strategy the participants have. Concordance Between Measures of Anxiety and Physiological Arousal Following Treatment of Panic Disorder in Adolescence. Janicak et al found that concordance rates for MZ twins are about 48%… We offer the first set of holistic, integrated and evidence-informed re-entry services in the country. HIV (human immunodeficiencyvirus) a virus that attacks white blood cells in the blood, reducing thebodys ability to … Concordance: 1. The presence of any given condition such as HIV in both members of a couple. 2. In genetics, the presence of a phenotype such as asthma in both members of a twin pair. 3. In clinical care, agreement between physician and patient. In all sense, concordance is as opposed to discordance. From the Latin concordare, to agree. The concordance rate of a behaviour is Download your FREE Step by Step Testicle Massage Guide and Audio: PLEASE DO … Concordance Rate is a term that is used in statistics and by geneticists to describe the rate of probability that two people with shared genes will develop the same organic disease. TABLE 1 Means and Standard Deviations of Receptive Recall of the Spanish Meaning of Basque Words According to Concordance in Peers-Generated Keywords (High and Low Concordance), and the Retention Interval (Immediate or Retarded) (Word Total) Retention Interval Concordance Immediate Retarded M SD M SD High 4.84 2.95 2.58 2.18 Low 2.67 2.14 1.28 1.46 Total 7.61 4.73 3.86 3.29 Total Concordance … Electronic address: [email protected]. The word “psychology” has been in use for a long time, but formerly it was only the title of a certain chapter in philosophythat chapter in which the philosopher more or less laid down the law as to what the human soul had to be according to the premises of his own particular philosophy: April 13th 2021. sensitive period (or critical period) Request PDF | Perspectives on concordance in leg ulcer management | Non-concordance is all too often blamed on the patient. / Concordance among biological, interview, and self-report measures of drug use among African American and Hispanic adolescents referred for drug abuse treatment. The self-concordance of goals (i.e., their consistency with the person's developing interests and core values) plays a dual role in the model. Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. The term concordance was first used by the Medicines Partnership to describe a new way of consulting with patients in order to gain the most effective use of medicines (Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1997). Definitions of schizophrenia: concordance and prediction of outcome - Volume 8 Issue 3. 4. pp. A standard Biblical concordance, Young s casts all words in the Bible into alphabetical order and arranges them under their respective original words. If you are a regular visitor of Mappalicious, you know by now that I´m a big fan of Self-Determination Theory and adjacent frameworks such as Self-Concordance Theory.These concepts have been developed roughly at the same time as central tenets of Positive Psychology – without necessarily being regarded as “part of” Positive Psychology (don´t ask me why, I guess it´s just a … Couples. ' Include a discussion of nature and nurture in your response. Identical twins share their DNA because they were formed from the same sperm and ovum of their parents. Concordance: 1. (1)Clinical Stress and Emotion Laboratory, Division of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Health Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria. An integrative model of the conative process, which has important ramifications for psychological need satisfaction and hence for individuals' well-being, is presented. Conditioning and Learning. Concordance can be conceptualised as collaboration grounded in mutual understanding of both parties’ knowl-edge and health beliefs. For example, twins are concordant when both have or both lack a given trait. Question #141099. Because of this problem and thus the small number of MZ twins raised separately, most studies compare the concordance rates of MZ twins reared together ("MZ / The Effect of Intracouple Coping Concordance on Psychological and Marital Distress in Infertility Patients. 4, No. Hasler, Brant P. PhD; Troxel, Wendy M. PhD. From the Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1.1. Using descriptive techniques, we analyze survey data from both spouses in 121 gay, 168 lesbian, and 122 heterosexual married couples to examine health and health behavior concordance. 2005 ; Vol. Proposed by Maurice G. Kendall and Bernard Babington Smith, Kendall's coefficient of concordance ( W) is a measure of the agreement among several ( m) quantitative or semiquantitative variables that are assessing a set of n objects of interest. Professor of Psychology in Healthcare, Director, Behavioural Medicine Research Unit, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Brighton, Room 409, Watts Building, Lewes Rd, Brighton, BN2 4GJ, UK; e-mail: [email protected] }, author={Reena Govindji and P. Linley}, year={2007} } Biological explanations of phobias. This study was funded by grants from the Social Science and Human-ities Research Council of Canada and the Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide a la Recherche, Quebec, to Richard Koestner. apart; the concordance rate for those twins was 62%. and Theodos, V. (1997) The effect of intracouple coping concordance on psychological and marital distress in infertility patients. The concordance rate in DZ twins for OCD should be 50% if the disorder was solely genetic. Generally, concordance in genetic study refers to the presence of the same trait in members of pair twins. However, the application of the principle of concordance appears inconsistent. After gathering behavioural data, the researchers compare the similarities between MZ twins and DZ twins by calculating the concordance rate. In Goethe's words, stirb und werde, die and become. But the age of separation varied from "soon after birth" to "between 3-8 years old". Psychology; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. As many conditions, i.e. For example, they may use questionnaires and interviews to measure their levels of antisocial or aggressive behaviour. Although this research clarifies the role of gender concordance and attitudes toward women in shaping patient control preferences, some limitations should be noted. This fact is related to the psychology of sacrifice. In genetics, the presence of a phenotype such as asthma in both members of a twin pair. concordance atechnique for studying inheritance by examiningcharacteristics of individuals whose genetic relationshipis known. 19, No. Psychology term of the day. 3. Therefore, this suggests that genetics does play a role because the concordance rate for MZ twins is high and they share the same genes because they split from the same egg. 4. pp. April 13th 2021. sensitive period (or critical period) + Large sample – the sample size gives the research a high level of reliability. concordance atechnique for studying inheritance by examiningcharacteristics of individuals whose genetic relationshipis known. Genetic – Individuals may inherit a genetically-determined predisposition to develop phobias. 1. From the Latin concordare, to agree. It acknowledges that 404-413. Explain what these numbers mean. The presence of any given condition such as HIV in both members of a couple. Concordance can be conceptualised as collaboration grounded in mutual understanding of both parties’ knowl-edge and health beliefs. The word concordance means 'to agree,' so the concordance … The patient-clinician interaction can powerfully shape treatment outcomes such as pain but is often considered an intangible “art of medicine” and has largely eluded scientific inquiry. 3. Moderators of Implicit–Explicit Exercise Cognition Concordance in Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology Tanya R. Berry 1 , Wendy M. Rodgers 1 , David Markland 2 , and Craig R. Hall 3 asked Nov 14, 2019 in Psychology by tierra57. Concordance rate is a statistical index that researchers use to determine the relative influence of nature and nurture. Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible. In other words, “consensus” is the psychological outcome of the process of “concordance”, which is much more likely to result in compliance. Culture and Psychology. @inproceedings {YoungYoungsAC, title= {Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible}, author= {R. Young} } R. Young. In addition, SLD students have a concordance between the achievement deficit and processing weakness. Efficiency and Concordance: Evidence for Bidirectional Associations With Daytime Relationship Functioning. The Academy’s re-entry services are delivered in four phases that begin six months pre-release, and continue one year after release. of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Theodore A. Research shows that conditioning and learning also play a role in anxiety disorders: Classical conditioning: People can acquire anxiety responses, especially phobias, through classical conditioning and then maintain them through operant conditioning. Genetics The presence of a given trait in both members of a pair of twins. Psychology term of the day. First, because of the experimental nature of this study, people were asked to imagine consulting either a woman or a man physician and subsequently rating their preferred role in the treatment-related decision-making process. The biological approach (or the medical model) is based on the view that psychological disorders can be explained in the same way as physical disorders, i.e. Concordance rates means the probability of one twin having the disorder if the other already has it expressed as a percentage. In a twin study, MZ (identical) and DZ (non-identical) twins are compared. University of Kentucky UKnowledge Theses and Dissertations--Psychology Psychology 2018 THE ROLE OF COUPLE SLEEP CONCORDANCE IN SUBJECTIVE SLEEP QUALITY: ATTACHMENT AS A MODERATOR OF Gottesman and Shields (1972) Evaluation. they are manifestations of an underlying biochemical or physiological dysfunction, which may or may not have a known cause. PCOM Psychology Dissertations Student Dissertations, Theses and Papers 2014 The Effectiveness of the Concordance-Discordance Model: Identifying Learning Disabilities in School-Aged Children Bryan Hendricks Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, [email protected] Strengths Use, Self-Concordance and Well-Being: Implications for Strengths Coaching and Coaching Psychologists. This is supported by twin studies, such as Torgersen (1983), who found 31% concordance for panic disorder with agoraphobia in MZ twins versus zero concordance in DZ twins, though none of them shared the same phobias. In all sense, concordance is as opposed to discordance. Title: Year 13 A Level - Clinical Psychology 2. Theses and Dissertations--Psychology Psychology 2020 THE ROLE OF ATTACHMENT AND COGNITIVE PRE-SLEEP AROUSAL ON ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN SLEEP CONCORDANCE AND SLEEP QUALITY ... concordance will be defined, including the ways it is measured and what is already known about the topic from previous research. Include a discussion of nature and nurture in your response. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 4, 361-372. Reality, as the German word “Wirklichkeit” implies, is that which works: (a) For us the essence of that which works is the world of appearance; for the Indian it is the soul. Concordance between experiential and physiological responses. 3. In genetics, the presence of a phenotype such as asthma in both members of a twin pair. (2018). SERVICES. Health psychology consultancy is defined in the Stage 2 Handbook as ‘the use of specialist health psychology skills and knowledge to provide a service to an external business client, for example, public, private or third sector organisations’ (BPS, 2015a: 37). According to the Kabbalah, souls are supposed to have an ideal as well as a real pre-existence: "ideal as emanations from the cephiroth, which are themselves emanations from the infinite real, as having been `created' at a definite time" (compare Eric Bischoff, De Kabbala). Sex Differences in Emotional Concordance. A concordancer is a computer program which is used to search through a corpus (plural form corpora), in other words a collection of texts.These texts can be spoken or written texts, and can be collected according to … Psychology Definition of CONCORDANCE IN TWINS: with regard to twin analyses, the likelihood that a chosen feature or illness in one twin will be … As mentioned in the "Bibliography Comments" of their 1994 book, self-concordant functions were introduced in 1988 by Yurii Nesterov and further developed with Arkadi Nemirovski. International Coaching Psychology Review, 2, 143 … Twin studies. A twin study compares the concordance rate of identical twins to that of fraternal twins. This can help suggest whether a disease or a certain trait has a genetic cause. Controversial uses of twin data have looked at concordance rates for homosexuality and intelligence. There are several different explanations for the disorder schizophrenia. In clinical care, agreement between physician and patient. How to use concordance in a sentence. 6, pp. Terri Landon Bacow, Jill Ehrenreich May, Molly Choate-Summers, Donna B. Pincus, Sara G. Mattis. In some cases, the twins were reunited. This rapid and deliberate process of reaching consensus with a client is called concordance: the shared decision-making process between the veterinary practice team and the client. The concordance rate for schizophrenia among identical, or monozygotic (MZ), twins is .50; the concordance rate for schizophrenia in fraternal, or dizygotic (DZ) twins, is only .18. Twin studies gather groups of monozygotic (MZ – identical) and dizygotic (DZ – non-identical)twins and they measure their behaviours using a range of tests. 5590 psyxḗ (from psyxō, "to breathe, blow" which is the root of the English words "psyche," "psychology") – soul (psyche); a person's distinct identity (unique personhood), i.e. The world for him is a mere show or facade, and his reality comes close to being what we would call a dream. 2. The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories During COVID-19 Robert T Muller Ph.D. on February 4, 2021 in Talking About Trauma Uncertainty leads the mind to fill the void with conspiracy theories. Conditioned response - In classical and operant conditioning, a response that resembles an unconditioned response, achieved by pairing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus.. concordance: a technique for studying inheritance by examining characteristics of individuals whose … Levin, J.B., Sher, T.G. British Journal of Clinical Psychology Volume 51, Issue 3 p. 292-306 An investigation of the accuracy of therapists’ self-assessment of cognitive-behaviour therapy skills While concordance measured the similarity of patterns of both perspectives, with differences the levels of agreement between both perspectives were considered. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Concordance as used in genetics means the presence of the same trait in both members of a pair of twins, or in sets of individuals. Nighttime. For example, McGuffin and Gottesman found that the concordance rate for aggressive and antisocial behaviour was 87% for MZ twins, but 72% for DZ twins. In: Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. The concordance rate for schizophrenia among identical, or monozygotic (MZ), twins is .50; the concordance rate for schizophrenia in fraternal, or dizygotic (DZ) twins, is only .18. However, the application of the principle of concordance appears inconsistent. schizophrenia and cancer, are only partially related to genetics with some components of the disease process being due to external factors (environment, lifestyle, etc). Concordance rate - The percentage of both people in a pair having a certain trait or disorder. In all sense, concordance is as opposed to discordance. April 23rd 2021. Results: The concordance rate of major depressive disorder for MZ twins was 46% and for non-identical (DZ) twins was 20%. The present study was set out to study sex differences in emotional concordance across different emotional states, across a broad range of psychophysiological and behavioral measures, and using a novel film-based within-subject approach. Concordance appears to offer an alternative approach consistent with person-centred approaches to decision-making. 605-616. Durations of depressive episodes that were less than 13 months were correlated more strongly with depression in the other twin. psychology of Eastern meditation. This shows that there is a heritability factor for major depression. An alphabetical index of all the words in a text or corpus of texts, showing every contextual occurrence of a word: a concordance of Shakespeare's works. A meta- analysis of 14 twin studies of OCD, including 80 MZ and 29 DZ found that identical twins were more than twice as likely to develop OCD if their twin had the disorder than non- identical twins. The purpose of the present study was to investigate effects of implementation intentions on taking one multivitamin tablet, everyday, for 2 weeks, among individuals who … This article considers the extent to which any of this confusion may be a function of the different usage of the term concordance in the disciplines of nursing, general medicine, psychiatry … Year 13 A Level - Clinical Psychology 2010 How science works Using twin studies to research schizophrenia ... concordance rate for schizophrenia was 92% but if one was right handed and the other left-handed, the concordance rate was only 25%! Michael W. Austin Ph.D. Ethics for Everyone. History. PCOM Psychology Dissertations Student Dissertations, Theses and Papers 2014 The Effectiveness of the Concordance-Discordance Model: Identifying Learning Disabilities in School-Aged Children Bryan Hendricks Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, [email protected] Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology, ... which shows that generally the concordance (here reported as correlation) of diagnosis between MZ twins is generally quite a bit higher than across DZ twins: Share. In clinical care, agreement between physician and patient. Professional reactions to non-concordance The dilemmas of ‘non-healing’ have generally been studied from the patient’s perspective, with little attention paid to the impact on professionals. The world for him is a mere show or facade, and his reality comes close to being what we would call a dream. The Journal of Positive Psychology: Vol. Corpus ID: 142126171. concordance atechnique for studying inheritance by examiningcharacteristics of individuals whose genetic relationshipis known. Twin studies have been used to try and decipher which has the strongest impact on the development of certain disorders for example schizophrenia. This shows that there is a heritability factor for major depression. All of these themes are requisite to a positive outcome, and we will show that this conceptuali-sation of concordance is useful with whatever decision-making strategy the participants have. dance (kən-kôr′dns) n. 1. The concordance rate of a behaviour is a measure of how similar (on average) the twins are. More specifically, it measures the probability that if one twin has a particular characteristic the other twin will also have it. Psychology Definition of CONCORDANCE RATE: the amount of twin pairs or other genetically related persons who show a certain feature or illness. No psychological disorder is entirely genetic bur some appear to be more genetic than others. Concordance means "agreement": If one twin shows a behaviour and the other twin does too, this is concordance; If one twin shows the behaviour but the other doesn't, this is discordance; The concordance rate is usually expressed as a percentage (100% concordance means all the twins shared the behaviour in common, 0% means none of them did). CW11 ¶ 910. @inproceedings{Govindji2007StrengthsUS, title={Strengths use, self-concordance and well-being: Implications for strengths coaching and coaching psychologists. Powers, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Moreover, our results showed that the size of the mediating effect of self-concordance only accounted for 48% of all the effects, which indicated that in addition to self-concordance, some other factors (e.g., personality traits and social support) probably also mediate the effect of IAB on SWB. Becoming who they want to be: A cross-national examination of value-behavior concordance and mindfulness in adolescence. It acknowledges that One of these explanations is the biological model. Rattel JA (1), Mauss IB (2), Liedlgruber M (3), Wilhelm FH (3). Concordance (genetics) — the presence of the same trait in both members of a …

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