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Edward Epstein , Chronicle Washington Bureau. This analysis is based on an unofficial translation of Iraq's draft permanent constitution prepared by the United Nations on September 14, 2005. Vote Count Confirms Iraqi Approval of Constitution. Iraq’s New Constitution. On October 15, Iraqis go to the polls to vote in a referendum on the country's draft constitution. Iraq’s constitution, approved by 79 percent of voters in an October 2005 referendum, is the product of a Kurdish–Shiite deal: the Kurds supported the establishment of a Shiite-led government in exchange for Shiite support for a confederal arrangement in which Kurdistan and other regions like the one SIIC … Within two months after that, a new constitution would have to be written, and by the end of that period -- roughly six months after the general elections -- a new … This, Iraq’s constitution clearly does not do. ... all participated in the 29 August 2017 Kirkuk provincial council vote that approved … According to Iraq's constitution, a government can pass if over half of a proposed Cabinet is approved. The country uses the Constitution approved in 2005 which established it as an Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic. On 15 October 2005, a national referendum approved a new constitution by a majority of 79 percent of the votes. A general outline and timeline for the drafting process is spelled out in the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL), Iraq's interim constitution enacted under U.S. occupation in March 2004. While there is no doubt that the IKR enjoys rights under the Constitution, it also assumed obligations when the Constitution was approved by margins exceeding 90% in the three predominantly Kurdish governorates of Iraq in 2005. In the final event, 15 of Kadhimi’s proposed ministers passed a parliamentary vote while five did not. This version is being submitted to the country for an October 15 referendum. We, the people of Iraq, who have just risen from our stumble, and who are looking with confidence to the future through a republican, federal, democratic, pluralistic system, have resolved with the determination of our men, women, elderly, and youth to respect the rule of law, to establish justice and … The Iraqi insurgency—the main impediment to social, economic, and political order—is principally a Sunni insurgency. The ballot will feature one question: "Do you approve the draft constitution of Iraq?" Since then, Iraqis have assumed sovereignty of their country, held free elections, drafted a democratic constitution, and approved that constitution in a … After 10 days of counting votes, the country's electoral commission announced that the constitution had been approved by a wide margin nationwide. The criminal justice system in Iraq remains weak. Al-Kadhimi has also appointed Gen. Abdel-Wahab al-Saadi as the head of Iraq’s counter-terrorism service, following public uproar at his demotion by … The document was drafted in only a few weeks however, due to … The draft was then read in a session of the National Assembly (although no formal vote was taken). Iraq's reservation reads in part: "1. BAGHDAD, Iraq, Saturday, Oct. 15 - Iraqis walked through silent streets on Saturday morning to begin voting on a new constitution that, if passed, … Iraq signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on March 23, 1976, without declaration or reservation. According to Iraq’s constitution, more than half the proposed cabinet ministers must win approval for a new government to take office. The draft was then read in a session of the National Assembly (although no formal vote was taken). federally recognized Kurdistan region’s rights under Iraq’s constitution. Iraq's constitution is framed around the deter-mination of Kurds and Shi-ites never again to allow the emergence of a strong man who could dictate life and death, rule as an authoritar-ian, and use the military for self-protection. Two and a half years ago, Iraq was in the grip of a cruel dictator. If approved by a two-thirds majority of each assembly the amendment shall be submitted to the King for confirmation and promulgation. The 2005 Iraqi constitution was greatly influenced not only by its political history, but also by fears of Islamic extremism and greater federalism leading to separatism. To this end, the Constitution created a strong parliamentary bias in favour of an elected but mainly symbolic President. ... the new draft has to be approved by parliament by the 15 August and submit it to Iraqi voters for referendum on October 15. Under the patronage of a British military occupation in 1925, Iraqis first constitution entered into force which then formed a monarchy which remained in effect until in 1958, the revolution established a … ... Iraq's constitution has been adopted despite stiff opposition from the country's … Iraq’s public and private health systems have significant shortcomings and limited capacity. Required. Edward Wong, Final Tally Shows Iraqi Voters Approved New The Final Draft of the Iraqi Constitution: Analysis and Commentary Nathan J. Post a comment. Al-Kadhimi, who gave up the intelligence post when he became the prime minister-designate, assumes the premiership as Iraq faces unprecedented crises amid falling oil revenues that will likely prompt … This analysis is based on an unofficial translation of Iraq's draft permanent constitution prepared by the United Nations on September 14, 2005. Komal will 'not accept' a Kurdistan constitution less Islamic than Iraq's 03-06-2021 Khazan Jangiz ... To be approved for publication, however, your comments must meet our community guidelines. BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq’s transitional National Assembly approved the final draft of the new constitution yesterday while mourning the death of an assassinated legislator. The 71-member constitutional committee submitted an incomplete draft of the document to the National Assembly on August 22, but asked for three more days to resolve remaining differences among Iraq’s ethnic communities. Then, following general elections on December 15, a committee of Iraqi National Assembly members would re-evaluate the approved constitution. How will Iraq's October 15 referendum work?. BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri suddenly announced July 17 the formation of a parliamentary committee tasked with amending the country's constitution. Hennis-Plasschaert said the constitution must fit with that of federal Iraq, which was passed in 2005. However, it also makes ambiguous reference to providing compensation for "damaged regions that were unjustly deprived by … How Faults With Iraq’s Constitution Undermines The Country, Interview with Constitutional Scholar Zaid Al-Ali In October 2005, 79% of Iraqi voters came out in favor of a new constitution. Constitution of the Kingdom of Iraq. Should the constitution be approved, most of its meaning will be unclear until parliament passes the relevant legislation. Article 2: First: Islam is the official religion of the State and is a foundation source of legislation: A. Iraq's first constitution, which established a constitutional monarchy, entered into force under the auspices of a British military occupation in 1925 and remained in effect until the 1958 revolution established a republic. March 21, 1925, as amended July 29, 1925. In 1990, a draft constitution was prepared but never promulgated due to the onset of the Gulf War. The 71-member constitutional committee submitted an incomplete draft of the document to the National Assembly on August 22, but asked for three more days to resolve remaining differences among Iraq’s ethnic communities. Secular Shiites and Sunni Arabs criticized the draft’s wording on federalism and the role of Islamic law. ** The ratification process reflects U.S., not Iraqi urgency, and is resulting in a vote in which jost Iraqis have not even seen the draft, and amendments are being reopened and negotiated by … Writing a permanent constitution is the main task facing Iraq's 275-member transitional National Assembly. Article 2 • Official religion First • Status of religious law Egypt’s constitution was approved by a referendum in January 2014, while Tunisia’s constitution was adopted by an overwhelming majority of the country’s Constituent Assembly in … Data is incomplete, but reported COVID-19 infections increased through August 2020 and then declined Iraq signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on March 23, 1976, without declaration or reservation. Today, The President Addressed Iraq's Incredible Political Transformation. A national majority of more than 50% was required to ratify the constitution. June 18, 2004. The electorate of Iraq went to the polls on 15 October 2005 to vote in a referendum on whether or not to ratify the proposed constitution of Iraq. An American-led coalition force ousted Saddam on 19 March 2003 in the wake of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centers in New York City. Experts see grim times ahead -- a torn Iraq -- even if constitution is approved Edward Epstein , Chronicle Washington Bureau Oct. 11, 2005 Updated: Jan. 16, 2012 6:49 a.m. According to Iraq’s constitution, a government can pass if over half of a proposed Cabinet is approved. Iraq’s constitution was adopted by a majority in a fair vote during the Oct. 15 referendum, as Sunni Arab opponents failed to muster enough support to defeat it, election officials said Tuesday. A translation of the constitution by the Associated Press (AP) is available at several Brown Senior Associate Carnegie Endowment for International Peace On August 28, 2005, Iraq’s constitutional commission approved a draft constitution. Iraq’s constitution, approved by 79% of voters in an October 2005 referendum, is the product of a Kurdish–Shiite deal: the Kurds supported the establishment of a Shiite-led government in exchange for Shiite support for a confederal arrangement in which Kurdistan and other regions like the one SIIC … Interim constitutions were adopted in 1958, 1964, 1968, and 1970, the last remaining in effect de jure until the Transitional Administrative Law was adopted in 2003 after the fall of Saddam Hussein. Over nine-million-eight-hundred-thousand Iraqis cast their ballots in the referendum with seventy-eight-point-five percent voting in favor of the draft document. Amendments were being drafted until August 28, when finally a draft was submitted to the Parliament and approved by the country’s political leadership. The right to protest is codified in Iraq’s constitution, reasoned the spokesperson of the Justice Ministry, provided that it does not harm the state’s institutions. Such a path does have some real virtues. The draft was then read in a session of the National Assembly (although no formal vote was taken). Iraq’s public and private health systems have significant shortcomings and limited capacity. The draft will be submitted to a popular referendum on October 15, 2005. The IGC approved an interim constitution in March 2004, and a permanent constitution was approved by a national plebiscite in October 2005. United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) monitoring has revealed a consistent failure to respect due process and fair trial standards, as required under Iraq international human rights obligations and the provisions of the Constitution of Iraq. The Oil and Foreign Affairs ministries were also left vacant, pending further negotiations. Iraq has approved the country's draft constitution, electoral officials have said. The constitution was strongly supported by members of Iraq's Shia and Kurdish communities, while many Sunni Arabs had opposed the document. The Republic of Iraq is a single federal, independent and fully sovereign state in which the system of government is republican, representative, parliamentary, and democratic, and this Constitution is a guarantor of the unity of Iraq. Iraq’s federal government features the executive, judicial, and legislative branches in addition to many independent commissions. By Ghali Hassan. The fate of Iraq's newly revised election law again hinges on the approval of the country's Sunni Arab vice president, who is under pressure to sign the much-contested plan. Iraq’s constitution of 2005 has both, but the country has been in turmoil ever since. On Sunday September 18, 2005, Iraq's Transitional National Assembly approved a draft constitution and submitted it to the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, which was to be published throughout Iraq prior to the October 15 national referendum. tional. Iraq's draft constitution, approved in an Oct. 15 national referendum, stipulates that "the federal government with the producing regional and governorate governments shall together formulate" energy policy. In total, 78% of voters favoured the constitution. Because of the increasing pressure - and against a lot of opposition - a 25 percent quota for women was approved. Iraq’s constitution-making process must begin to move forward, but at a deliberate pace and in a transparent and consultative manner, with an effective mechanism both to produce a workable constitution and to endow it with the necessary legitimacy. THE IRAQI CONSTITUTION a world-wide audience on October 15, 2005 as Iraqis risked their lives to ratify their Constitution.4 Only days before this historic event,5 Shiites, Sunni Arabs, and Kurds6 alike negotiated and 4. Experts see grim times ahead -- a torn Iraq -- even if constitution is approved. Iraq's Worrisome Constitution. Highlights Of Proposed New EU Constitution 19/06/2004 Here are the main innovations foreseen by the European Union's first-ever constitution, on which the expanding bloc finally agreed at a two-day summit which ended Friday.. Chairman Hails Constitution As 'Win-Win' Success 18/06/2004 A relieved Irish … This is the Arabic text of Iraq’s constitution. Federalism In Iraq. Iraq was first defined as a federal nation in 2003 by the short-lived Transitional Administrative Law. Article 118 of the country’s Constitution stated that no new region should be formed before the National Assembly has approved a law which provides the framework for creating a new region.

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