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To produce a ton of steel in an electric arc furnace requires approximately 400 kilowatt-hours (1.44 gigajoules) per short ton or about 440 kWh (1.6 GJ) per metric tonne; the theoretical minimum amount of energy required to melt a tonne of scrap steel is 300 kWh (1.09 GJ) (melting point 1,520 °C (2,768 °F)). The primary energy requirements to produce 1 metric ton of austenitic stainless steel (with assumed metals concentrations of 18% Cr, 8% Ni, and 74% Fe) is (1) 53GJ, (2) 26GJ, and (3) 79GJ for each scenario, with CO [ 29 ] Or you could drive 20 miles in a car. Energy Efficiency and Iron and Steel Production. It takes energy to make all the things used to burn coal for electricity. Primary production, in which steel is made from iron ore and aluminum from bauxite ore, is energy intensive. Specific heat capacity. The steel sector relies on coal. It took 20 pounds of coal per person, every 24 hours, in 2006 to keep their electricity on, according to Jeff Goodall’s detailed narrative Big Coal. Hydrogen has about five times the energy content per ton as … EAF average energy intensity is 7.33 GJ / tonne of CS. It is true that a lot of energy is required to make Aluminium. “The concept of net energy must also be applied to renewable sources of energy, such as windmills and photovoltaics. Realizing… Four technology- Energy use in the steel industry Fact sheet World crude steel production reached 1,860 million tonnes in 2020. Steel production is dirty business - yet no-one can make a product without using steel. Table 2. Aluminum (from 100 % recycled aluminum): 11.35-17MJ (3,150 to 4,750 watt-hours) Iron (from iron ore): 20-25MJ (5,550 to 6,950 watt-hours) Glass (from sand, etcetera): 18-35MJ (5,000 to 9,700 watt-hours) Steel (from iron): 20-50MJ (5,550 to 13,900 watt-hours) "For Integrated steelmaking, the primary sources of GHG emissions are blast furnace stoves (43 percent), miscellaneous combustion sources burning … For wind turbines, oil and natural gas are used to fabricate fiberglass blades, and coal is used to make steel and concrete. If steel is not used in a product, it is used in the production or shipment of products. BF-BOF Reference value is 17.674 GJ / t Crude Steel or a gap of 1.26 GJ / tonne of Crude Steel or 6.6% saving. Photo: HJ Mueller If available it can also be used as source of heat in various furnaces. With a steel site consuming in excess half a million MWh each year, this additional cost soon adds up. Turbine Models Used in Current and Future Materials Usage Estimates Turbine Make Rated Power (kW) Southwest Windpower 0.4, 1.0 Large amounts of energy … Making that currently burns through about 12 million tons of coal per year. 1 r-1 , , 1 1 11 ! Simple windmills were used to pump water in China before 200 B.C. For example, Graedel & Cao [1] point out that there is a correlation between rates of metal usage and gross domestic product (R2=0.7964), with per capita metal use Fortunately, there are much lower-carbon ways to make steel already in use today and the technology for zero-carbon steel is already here. [4] From the data in Table 1 and Fig. 120x10 6 J/3600s is 33.4x10 3 watts, or 33.4kwh. Many turbine components are domestically sourced and manufactured in the United States (Wind Technologies Market Report). By 2030, greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union are to be reduced by at least 40 percent compared the corresponding levels from 1990. SEC. Steel (from recycled steel): 6-15MJ (1,665 to 4,170 watt-hours). Steel (from recycled steel): 6-15MJ (1,665 to 4,170 watt-hours). Aluminum (from 100 % recycled aluminum): 11.35-17MJ (3,150 to 4,750 watt-hours) Iron (from iron ore): 20-25MJ (5,550 to 6,950 watt-hours) Glass (from sand, etcetera): 18-35MJ (5,000 to 9,700 watt-hours) • In BOF steelmaking, the energy to produce steel is less than the energy to produce iron because scrap is melted in the process. Coal is used as an energy source in cement production. The use of recycling in the manufacturing process of these metals has been a main driver of improvements in energy efficiency within the industry. A 5-MW turbine has three roughly 60-meter-long airfoils, each weighing about 15 metric tons. Humanity’s use of materials is immense, growing and quite unequal between the rich and the poor. Energy use in steelmaking Steel production is energy intensive. Historical Perspective A wind-powered energy system transforms the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical or electrical energy that is harnessed for practical use. By product fuels in the steel plant are namely (i) coke oven (CO) gas, (ii) blast furnace (BF) gas, (iii) converter gas, (iv) coal tar fuel, and finer fractions of coke (nut coke and coke breeze). By 2050, they are to be cut by as much as 80 to 95 percent. 721 million tons of coal per 1,400 million tons of steel. To make the steel required for wind turbines that might operate by 2030, you’d need fossil fuels equivalent to more than 600 million metric tons of coal. The material waste in … Even though the average energy consumption to make a Ton of steel has gone from about 60 Million BTU's in the 1950's to under 10 Million BTU's today, the efficiency of the process still hovers at 60-80 percent, so there is still room for improvement. satyendra; September 9, 2014; 0 Comments ; coal, Energy, fuel, liquid fuel. There’s also quite a bit of energy use in the Bayer process (14.5GJ/tonne quoted below, equal to 4MWh/tonne, 4kWh/kg, but mostly as heat) that reduces bauxite to aluminium oxide: ThyssenKrupp produces 12 million tons of steel per year. From WSJ If You Want ‘Renewable Energy,’ Get Ready to Dig Building one wind turbine requires 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete and 45 tons of plastic. They also use diesel fuel for surface hauling of ore to the mill. A three-megawatt wind turbine, for example, can deliver 80 times more energy over 20 years than is used in its production and maintenance materials. Therefore, the energy consumption represented by material waste is critical. Steel is an alloy of iron with carbon (0.002% - 2.1% by weight), and with other metals as needed. Typical additives are: nickel, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, titanium, vanadium, or tungsten, depending on physical properties sought, e.g., anti-rust, light, tough, heat resistant, elastic, or cheap. By Mark P. Mills Aug. 5, 2019 6:48 pm ET Democrats dream of powering society entirely with wind and solar farms combined with massive batteries. The EAF method, however, feeds recycled steel scrap through high-power electric arcs (with temperatures of up to 1,650 degrees Celsius) to melt the metal and convert it into high-quality steel. Table 1:Steelmaking energy use (1 × 109J / metric ton). The production of iron, steel, and aluminum is a highly energy-intensive process, accounting for 10% of total manufacturing energy use. They also tend to produce (and fail to control) much higher levels of PFCs that have 6,000-9,000 times the global warming potential of CO2. WEC also considered an “environmentally driven scenario” that has much faster growth if national policies were adjusted. Repeated reuse – Even though energy consumption and carbon print is large, if you use your reusable stainless steel bottle at least 500 times, you would have surpassed the plastic water bottle, in terms of sustainability, making it the best choice for the planet. By weight cement is the most widely used material globally. That scenario projected 470 GW of wind power by 2020. - For the EAF route this is less as they are not as complex and use as energy mainly electricity. The average windfarm produces 20-25 times more energy during its operational life than was used to construct and install its turbines Leo Hickman Wed 29 Feb 2012 04.00 EST Steel is used everywhere. 3 it is apparent that the production of hot metal or pig iron is the most energy intensive process for steel production at roughly 13.5 × 109joules per ton (1000 Kg) of pig iron produced. The specific heat capacity of a substance is the quantity of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of the substance by 1°C.The symbol used for specific heat capacity is c and the units are J/(kg °C) or J/(kg K). As a material, steel combines high tensile strength with low cost. EAF reference value is 6.81 GJ / tonne of CS. The goal therefore is a 75 per cent reduction in energy intensity. Steel industry advocates would be quick to point out that plenty of the steel it produces is used within the renewable energy space and more than makes up for its carbon footprint over its lifetime. A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of coking coal and 300 tonnes of iron ore, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons. Approximately 155 pounds of explosives Steel use is projected to increase steadily in the coming years to meet the needs of our growing population. For example, the theoretical limit for making steel from hematite is around 7 GJ per tonne Fe but modern iron and steelmaking practice requires around 20 GJ per tonne. According to a report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, wind turbines are predominantly made of steel (71-79% of total turbine mass); fiberglass, resin or plastic (11-16%); iron or cast iron (5- 17%); copper (1%); and aluminum (0-2%). Or you could heat 3 baths with it (70 gallons of water per bath, water at 40°C, 16 cups in a gallon). For integrated steel production, including everything from melting the steel to products such as slabs and billets for the secondary manufacturing industry, making liquid steel takes up 70-80% of the energy used in the whole process. 721 million tons of coal per 1,400 million tons of steel. Let’s just say 1 ton of coal per ton of steel. 1 MW of wind turbine capacity requires 230 tons of coal for the steel. Coal is used as an energy source in cement production. Large amounts of energy are required to produce cement. Some perspective: if wind turbines were to supply half the world’s electricity, nearly 2 billion tons of coal would have to be consumed to produce the concrete and steel, along with 1.5 billion barrels of oil to make the composite blades. ENERGY USE IN THE U.S. STEEL INDUSTRY: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AND FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES September 2000 Dr. John Stubbles Steel Industry Consultant Mason, Ohio prepared under contract to Energetics, Inc. Columbia, MD for the U.S. Department of Energy … i 0 10 ’20 3040 50 6070 80 90 100 % energy use Underground mines use electricity for gener-ating compressed air, pumping, lighting, ‘venti-lation, and hauling miners and materials. • When carbon is used in the EAF, about 38% of the CO must be post combusted to CO 2 to As a result, the energy uses we are analyzing now will have to do with the melting of stainless. However, sophisticated But steel can be produced in much friendlier ways… Good example of greener steel production The steel everyday used by Americans could run a steel pipe line from New York to Los Angeles and then back to New York; Using recycled steel saves 74% of the energy opposed to producing them from raw ore. On average a little more than 9,000 steel cans are removed from landfills with a magnet every minute The Energy Price Scandal: A Fair Power Deal for UK Steel shows that in the UK, the average electricity price for steel producers this year is around £65 per megawatt hour (MWh), compared with Germany at £43/MWh and France at £31/MWh. By the 11th century 1 MW of wind turbine capacity requires 230 tons of coal for the steel. This is 120MJ (120x10 6 J). This steel can then be used to produce the tower for a wind turbine, but as you can see, each major step of the production chain for what we call primary steel is dependent on fossil fuels. To produce a ton of steel in an electric arc furnace requires approximately 400 kilowatt-hours per short ton or about 440 kWh per metric tonne; the theoretical minimum amount of energy required to melt a tonne of scrap steel is 300 kWh (melting point 1520 °C/2768 °F). Steel used in turbine construction embodies typically about 35 gigajoules per metric ton. And that is aside from the constant feeding of fuel as coal in order to make energy. energy used in material production: steel, cement, paper, plastics and aluminium. Coal on the way across BC to Asia. Hence there remains much scope for further technical developments, particularly in removing energy intensive steps from existing processes, such as coke making We then estimate the possibility of reducing absolute material production energy by half, while doubling production from the present to 2050. World crude steel production reached 1,809 million tonnes (Mt) in 2018. Steel use is projected to increase steadily in the coming years to meet the needs of our growing population. Energy use in steelmaking Steel production is energy intensive. Figure 7-l. -Open-pit Mine Energy Use 1. To be sure, the International Energy Agency says that by 2050, steel produced from green hydrogen will total less than 10%. (Note that these units may also be written as J kg–1 °C–1 or J kg–1 K–1).. • Dirt in scrap and air entrainment in an EAF increase the energy required by about 25%. Primary material production (179 kWh/kg for titanium and 19 kWh/kg for tool steel) consumes more energy than most of the above processes do. Let’s just say 1 ton of coal per ton of steel. and emerging renewable energy technologies being imple-mented in the United States. You could heat nearly 3800 cups of water to this tepid temperature with only one gallon of gasoline! For an idea of scale, the worl… It is one of the building blocks of civilisation. The reason we keep using coal to make steel, using a process that hasn’t fundamentally changed in more than 100 years, is simple: it’s cheap. Secondary steelmaking involves treating the molten steel produced from both BOS and EAF routes to adjust the steel composition. Coal & Cement.

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